abdominal aura

abdominal aura

epileptic aura characterized by abdominal discomfort, including nausea, malaise, pain, and hunger; some phenomena reflect ictal autonomic dysfunction.
See also: aura (1).

ab·dom·i·nal au·ra

(ab-dom'i-năl awr'ă) Epileptic aura characterized by abdominal discomfort; it involves nausea, malaise, pain, and hunger. Some phenomena reflect ictal autonomic dysfunction.
See also: aura (1)

abdominal aura

A state of hunger, nausea and abdominal pain that may provide warning of an impending epileptic seizure.

ab·dom·i·nal au·ra

(ab-dom'i-năl awr'ă) Epileptic aura characterized by abdominal discomfort, including nausea, malaise, pain, and hunger.