

An obsolete term for abdominal pain; abdominal pain is the preferred terminology used in working medical parlance.


(ab″dom-ĭn-al′j(ē-)ă) [ abdomino- + -algia] Pain in the abdomen.

Patient discussion about abdominalgia

Q. What Causes Specific Abdominal Pain? Everytime I go see a doctor when I have abdominal pains he tells me I probably have gastroenteritis. How does he know that it's not something else for instance, appendicitis, just by examining my abdomen? A. whats the symptoms of ovarian cyst?

Q. I keep having this bad pain in my abdomin and I think something is wrong with me what could it be A. it all depends on the symtoms,could be a number of things,if it persists go see a doctor,

Q. i have pains in the lower abdominal areas what is the couse these pain usually occar off and on besides the the abdomen in the lower areasand some times all over the abdomenA. Is the pain worsened when you cough or lift heavy weight? It may suggest hernia (protrusion of gut loop through the abdomen wall, see here http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/hernia.html ). However, it's virtually impossible to diagnose you through the net, so consulting a doctor would be wise.

Take care,

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