abdominal hysterotomy


 [his″ter-ot´ah-me] incision of the uterus.abdominal hysterotomy incision of the uterus through the wall of the abdomen. Called also abdominohysterotomy and laparohysterotomy.

ab·dom·i·nal hys·ter·ot·o·my

transabdominal incision into the uterus. Synonym(s): abdominohysterotomy

abdominal hysterotomy

n. Hysterotomy performed through the abdominal wall.

abdominal hysterotomy

An obsolete term for an exploratory evaluation of the endometrium via an abdominal incision.

ab·dom·i·nal hys·ter·ot·o·my

(ab-dom'i-năl his'tĕr-ot'ŏ-mē) Transabdominal incision into the uterus; also called celiohysterotomy, laparohysterotomy, and laparouterotomy.
Synonym(s): abdominohysterotomy.