

单词 orchidaceae


Noun1.Orchidaceae - enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowersOrchidaceae - enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowersfamily Orchidaceae, orchid familyliliopsid family, monocot family - family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seedOrchidales, order Orchidales - order of plants with irregular flowers having minute seeds: Orchidaceae; Burmanniaceaeorchid, orchidaceous plant - any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colorsgenus Orchis - type genus of the orchid family; hardy terrestrial orchids of the temperate the northern hemispheregenus Aerides - epiphytic orchids of tropical Asia having stiff leaves and fragrant white flowers in arching racemesAngraecum, genus Angraecum, genus Angrecum - genus of tropical Old World epiphytic orchids with showy flowers sometimes grotesqueAnoectochilus, genus Anoectochilus - genus of delicate Asiatic orchidsAplectrum, genus Aplectrum - a monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceaegenus Arethusa - genus of bog orchids of North America and Japangenus Bletia - genus of tropical American terrestrial orchids with large purple or pink flowersBletilla, genus Bletilla - small genus of chiefly east Asiatic hardy terrestrial orchids similar to genus Bletiagenus Brassavola - genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic rhizomatous orchidsBrassia, genus Brassia - genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids having striking axillary racemes of yellow to green spiderlike flowers with long slender sepals and warty lips: spider orchidsgenus Caladenia - terrestrial orchids of Australia to New Caledoniagenus Calanthe - large and widely distributed genus of terrestrial orchidsCalopogon, genus Calopogon - terrestrial orchids of North Americagenus Calypso - one species found throughout much of northern North America and EurasiaCatasetum, genus Catasetum - genus of tropical American orchids having showy male and female flowers usually on separate inflorescencesgenus Cattleya - large and highly valued genus of beautiful tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic orchids; the typical orchids; known in many varietiesCephalanthera, genus Cephalanthera - small genus of temperate Old World terrestrial orchidsCleistes, genus Cleistes - terrestrial orchids of North and South America having slender fibrous roots; allied to genus PogoniaCoeloglossum, genus Coeloglossum - terrestrial orchids of cooler parts of North America and Europe: satyr orchidgenus Coelogyne - large diverse genus of tropical Asiatic epiphytic orchidsCorallorhiza, genus Corallorhiza - genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; widely distributed in temperate regionsCoryanthes, genus Coryanthes - small genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic orchidsCycnoches, genus Cycnoches - genus of epiphytic or terrestrial tropical American orchidsgenus Cymbidium - genus of tropical epiphytic or terrestrial Old World orchids; one of the most popular orchid generaCypripedium, genus Cypripedium - genus of chiefly American perennial leafy-stemmed orchids: lady's slippers; sometimes includes species of genus PaphiopedilumDactylorhiza, genus Dactylorhiza - genus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and Asia and North Africagenus Dendrobium - large genus and variable genus of chiefly epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Asia and Australasiagenus Disa - genus of showy tropical African terrestrial orchidsDracula, genus Dracula - comprises tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: diminutive plants having bizarre and often sinister-looking flowers with pendulous scapes and motile lipsDryadella, genus Dryadella - comprises tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: very dwarf plants having short tufted and usually unifoliate stems with usually solitary flowersEburophyton, genus Eburophyton - a monocotyledonous genus of the family OrchidaceaeEncyclia, genus Encyclia - large genus of epiphytic and lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas and West Indies; formerly included in genus EpidendrumEpidendrum, genus Epidendrum - large and variable genus of terrestrial or epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas; some native to United StatesEpipactis, genus Epipactis - genus of hardy orchids with leafy-bracted racemes of greenish or purplish irregular flowersgenus Glossodia, Glossodia - small genus of Australian orchidsgenus Goodyera, Goodyera - genus of small orchids of the northern hemisphere with creeping rhizomes and stalked ovate leaves and small flowers



[‚ȯr·kə′dās·ē‚ē] (botany) A family of monocotyledonous plants in the order Orchidales characterized by irregular flowers with only one or two stamens which are adnate to the style, and pollen grains which cohere in large masses called pollinia.



(orchids), a family of perennial, monocotyledonous, herbaceous plants. They are either terrestrial or epiphytic (in the tropics). Terrestrial orchids are usually rhizomic and often have tuberous, thickened roots. They grow in meadows, swamps, and forests, as well as on mountain slopes. The leaves are entire, vaginate, or amplexicaul; in saprophytic species, they are reduced to flowerless glumes. Epiphytic orchids grow on the trunks and branches of trees. They attach themselves to supports by means of aerial roots, which also extract moisture from the air. Many epiphytic orchids have thickened stems, or pseudobulbs, in which water and nutrient matter accumulate. Some epiphytes have delicate and succulent leaves, which sometimes fall to the ground in the dry season; others have coarse, stiff evergreen leaves.

Orchid flowers, which are irregular and usually bisexual, are solitary or gathered into spicate or racemose inflorescences measuring up to 2–3 m long. The perianth consists of two whorls. The sepals are petaloid or, more rarely, green; sometimes they coalesce. There are three petals; the two lateral ones are usually the same shape as the sepals, but the middle one, the lip, differs from the others in size, color, and shape. A characteristic feature of orchid flowers is the column, or gynostemium, which is apparently formed by the union of the stamens and the style. In most orchids, one or two of the three stamens is converted into fleshy or petaloid staminodes. The pollen is often in masses, or pollinia, each equipped with a stalk and, in many species, with a sticky disk that forms a pollinium. The stigma is three-lobed, but in most orchids one lobe is converted into a rostellum that contains sticky matter. The fruit is generally a capsule having numerous (up to several million) lightweight seeds, which are disseminated by the wind. Orchid flowers have highly specialized adaptations for insect pollination. The perianth is noted for its bright coloring, odd shape, rhythmic movements (in some species), fragrance, and the presence of nectaries and spurs containing sweet substances. The lip of the perianth is a convenient “landing field” for insects. While obtaining food, the insect touches the rostellum; the pollinia adhere firmly to the insect. When the insect enters the next flower, the pollinia fall on the sticky or rough surface of the stigma. A considerable amount of time passes between pollination and the maturation of seeds and fruits—two years or more. The seeds sprout only when they have been penetrated by fungi that form an endotrophic mycorrhiza (mainly species of Rhizoctonia).

The family Orchidaceae has 600 to 700 genera, embracing more than 20,000 species (according to other data, up to 800 genera, including 35,000 species). Orchids are found almost everywhere, including polar regions and deserts. They are most abundant and diverse in the tropics and subtropics of America and Asia (four-fifths of the species composition). In the USSR more than 120 species grow wild, including species of Platanthera and Cypripedium (lady’s slipper) and many species of Orchis. Many species are widely cultivated in greenhouses, despite the difficulties of growing them. Tropical species of the genera Coelogyne, Cattleya, Dendrobium, and Vanda can very easily be propagated vegetatively. Effective methods of raising orchids from seeds have been devised, making possible the development of new hybrids. Some orchids are commercially valuable. The fruits of plants of the genus Vanilla are used in the confectionery and perfume industries; the tubers of some species of Orchis and Platanthera yield salep, which is used in medicine.


Poddubnaia-Arnol’di, V. A., and V. A. Selezneva. Orkhidei i ikh kul’tura. Moscow, 1957.
Selezneva, V. A. Tropicheskie i subtropicheskie orkhidei. Moscow, 1965.
Takhtadzhian, A. L. Sistema i filogeniia tsvetkovykh rastenii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1966.
The Orchids: A Scientific Survey. Edited by C. L. Withner. New York, 1959.
Hawkes, A. D. Encyclopaedia of Cultivated Orchids. London, 1965.
Richter, W. Orchideen: Pflegen, Vermehren, Züchten, 2nd ed. Radebeul, 1971.



Related to Orchidaceae: Corallorhiza
  • noun

Synonyms for Orchidaceae

noun enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowers


  • family Orchidaceae
  • orchid family

Related Words

  • liliopsid family
  • monocot family
  • Orchidales
  • order Orchidales
  • orchid
  • orchidaceous plant
  • genus Orchis
  • genus Aerides
  • Angraecum
  • genus Angraecum
  • genus Angrecum
  • Anoectochilus
  • genus Anoectochilus
  • Aplectrum
  • genus Aplectrum
  • genus Arethusa
  • genus Bletia
  • Bletilla
  • genus Bletilla
  • genus Brassavola
  • Brassia
  • genus Brassia
  • genus Caladenia
  • genus Calanthe
  • Calopogon
  • genus Calopogon
  • genus Calypso
  • Catasetum
  • genus Catasetum
  • genus Cattleya
  • Cephalanthera
  • genus Cephalanthera
  • Cleistes
  • genus Cleistes
  • Coeloglossum
  • genus Coeloglossum
  • genus Coelogyne
  • Corallorhiza
  • genus Corallorhiza
  • Coryanthes
  • genus Coryanthes
  • Cycnoches
  • genus Cycnoches
  • genus Cymbidium
  • Cypripedium
  • genus Cypripedium
  • Dactylorhiza
  • genus Dactylorhiza
  • genus Dendrobium
  • genus Disa
  • Dracula
  • genus Dracula
  • Dryadella
  • genus Dryadella
  • Eburophyton
  • genus Eburophyton
  • Encyclia
  • genus Encyclia
  • Epidendrum
  • genus Epidendrum
  • Epipactis
  • genus Epipactis
  • genus Glossodia
  • Glossodia
  • genus Goodyera
  • Goodyera
  • genus Grammatophyllum
  • Grammatophyllum
  • genus Gymnadenia
  • Gymnadenia
  • genus Gymnadeniopsis
  • Gymnadeniopsis
  • genus Habenaria
  • Habenaria
  • genus Hexalectris
  • Hexalectris
  • genus Himantoglossum
  • Himantoglossum
  • genus Laelia
  • genus Liparis
  • genus Listera
  • Listera
  • genus Malaxis
  • Malaxis
  • genus Masdevallia
  • genus Maxillaria
  • genus Miltonia
  • Miltonia
  • genus Odontoglossum
  • genus Oncidium
  • genus Ophrys
  • Ophrys
  • genus Paphiopedilum
  • Paphiopedilum
  • genus Phaius
  • genus Phalaenopsis
  • Phalaenopsis
  • genus Pholidota
  • Pholidota
  • genus Phragmipedium
  • Phragmipedium
  • genus Platanthera
  • Platanthera
  • genus Plectorrhiza
  • Plectorrhiza
  • genus Pleione
  • Pleione
  • genus Pleurothallis
  • genus Pogonia
  • genus Psychopsis
  • Psychopsis
  • genus Pterostylis
  • Pterostylis
  • genus Rhyncostylis
  • Rhyncostylis
  • genus Sarcochilus
  • Sarcochilus
  • genus Scaphosepalum
  • Scaphosepalum
  • genus Schomburgkia
  • Schomburgkia
  • genus Selenipedium
  • Selenipedium
  • genus Sobralia
  • genus Spiranthes
  • Spiranthes
  • genus Stanhopea
  • genus Stelis
  • genus Trichoceros
  • Trichoceros
  • genus Vanda
  • genus Vanilla




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