

单词 maintain



M0045500 (mān-tān′)tr.v. main·tained, main·tain·ing, main·tains 1. To keep up or carry on; continue: maintain good relations.2. To keep in an existing state; preserve or retain: maintain one's composure.3. To keep in a condition of good repair or efficiency: maintain two cars.4. a. To provide for; support: maintain a family.b. To keep in existence; sustain: enough food to maintain life.5. To defend or hold against criticism or attack: maintained his stand on taxes.6. To declare to be true; affirm: maintained her innocence.7. To adhere or conform to; keep: maintain a busy schedule.
[Middle English maintainen, from Old French maintenir, from Medieval Latin manutenēre, from Latin manū tenēre, to hold in the hand : manū, ablative of manus, hand; see man- in Indo-European roots + tenēre, to hold; see ten- in Indo-European roots.]
main·tain′a·bil′i·ty n.main·tain′a·ble adj.main·tain′er n.


(meɪnˈteɪn) vb (tr) 1. to continue or retain; keep in existence2. to keep in proper or good condition: to maintain a building. 3. to support a style of living: the money maintained us for a month. 4. (takes a clause as object) to state or assert: he maintained that Talbot was wrong. 5. to defend against contradiction; uphold: she maintained her innocence. 6. to defend against physical attack[C13: from Old French maintenir, ultimately from Latin manū tenēre to hold in the hand] mainˈtainable adj mainˈtainer n



v.t. 1. to keep in existence or continuance; preserve. 2. to keep in due condition, operation, or force. 3. to keep in a specified state, position, etc. 4. to affirm; assert; declare. 5. to support in speech or argument. 6. to keep or hold against attack. 7. to provide for the upkeep or support of. [1200–50; « Vulgar Latin *manūtenēre literally, to hold in the hand] main•tain′a•ble, adj. main•tain′er, n.


When used in the context of deliberate planning, the directed command will keep the referenced operation plan, operation plan in concept format, or concept summary, and any associated Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) automated data processing files active in accordance with applicable tasking documents describing the type and level of update or maintenance to be performed. General guidance is contained in JOPES, Volumes I and II. See also archive; retain.


Past participle: maintained
Gerund: maintaining
I maintain
you maintain
he/she/it maintains
we maintain
you maintain
they maintain
I maintained
you maintained
he/she/it maintained
we maintained
you maintained
they maintained
Present Continuous
I am maintaining
you are maintaining
he/she/it is maintaining
we are maintaining
you are maintaining
they are maintaining
Present Perfect
I have maintained
you have maintained
he/she/it has maintained
we have maintained
you have maintained
they have maintained
Past Continuous
I was maintaining
you were maintaining
he/she/it was maintaining
we were maintaining
you were maintaining
they were maintaining
Past Perfect
I had maintained
you had maintained
he/she/it had maintained
we had maintained
you had maintained
they had maintained
I will maintain
you will maintain
he/she/it will maintain
we will maintain
you will maintain
they will maintain
Future Perfect
I will have maintained
you will have maintained
he/she/it will have maintained
we will have maintained
you will have maintained
they will have maintained
Future Continuous
I will be maintaining
you will be maintaining
he/she/it will be maintaining
we will be maintaining
you will be maintaining
they will be maintaining
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been maintaining
you have been maintaining
he/she/it has been maintaining
we have been maintaining
you have been maintaining
they have been maintaining
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been maintaining
you will have been maintaining
he/she/it will have been maintaining
we will have been maintaining
you will have been maintaining
they will have been maintaining
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been maintaining
you had been maintaining
he/she/it had been maintaining
we had been maintaining
you had been maintaining
they had been maintaining
I would maintain
you would maintain
he/she/it would maintain
we would maintain
you would maintain
they would maintain
Past Conditional
I would have maintained
you would have maintained
he/she/it would have maintained
we would have maintained
you would have maintained
they would have maintained
Verb1.maintain - keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"; "hold in place"; "She always held herself as a lady"; "The students keep me on my toes"hold, keeppressurise, pressurize - maintain a certain pressure; "the airplane cabin is pressurized"; "pressurize a space suit"preserve, uphold, carry on, continue, bear on - keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions"hold over - keep in a position or state from an earlier period of timeconserve - keep constant through physical or chemical reactions or evolutionary change; "Energy is conserved in this process"preserve - keep undisturbed for personal or private use for hunting, shooting, or fishing; "preserve the forest and the lakes"distance - keep at a distance; "we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living"housekeep - maintain a household; take care of all business related to a household
2.maintain - keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destructionmaintain - keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction; "We preserve these archeological findings"; "The old lady could not keep up the building"; "children must be taught to conserve our national heritage"; "The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts"conserve, preserve, keep upkeep - look after; be the keeper of; have charge of; "He keeps the shop when I am gone"embalm - preserve a dead bodyplastinate - preserve (tissue) with plastics, as for teaching and research purposes; "The doctor plastinates bodies to teach anatomy to his students"hold the line - hold the line on prices; keep the price of something constant
3.maintain - supply with necessities and support; "She alone sustained her family"; "The money will sustain our good cause"; "There's little to earn and many to keep"sustain, keeppatronage - support by being a patron ofreseed - maintain by seeding without human intervention; "Some plants reseed themselves indefinitely"have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"carry - keep up with financial support; "The Federal Government carried the province for many years"
4.maintain - state categoricallymaintain - state categorically assert, asseverateinsist, take a firm stand - be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge; "I must insist!"allege, aver, say - report or maintain; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the school money"predicate, proclaim - affirm or declare as an attribute or quality of; "The speech predicated the fitness of the candidate to be President"
5.maintain - have and exercise; "wield power and authority"wield, exerthave, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
6.maintain - maintain for use and service; "I keep a car in the countryside"; "She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips"keephave, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
7.maintain - maintain by writing regular recordsmaintain - maintain by writing regular records; "keep a diary"; "maintain a record"; "keep notes"keeprecord, enter, put down - make a record of; set down in permanent form
8.maintain - state or assert; "He maintained his innocence"defendvindicate - maintain, uphold, or defend; "vindicate the rights of the citizens"affirm - say yes to
9.maintain - support against an opponentmaintain - support against an opponent; "The appellate court upheld the verdict"upholdvindicate, justify - show to be right by providing justification or proof; "vindicate a claim"reassert, confirm - strengthen or make more firm; "The witnesses confirmed the victim's account"
10.maintain - stick to correctly or closely; "The pianist kept time with the metronome"; "keep count"; "I cannot keep track of all my employees"keep, observe


verb1. continue, retain, preserve, sustain, carry on, keep, keep up, prolong, uphold, nurture, conserve, perpetuate You should always maintain your friendships.
continue end, finish, drop, give up, conclude, suspend, abolish, terminate, break off, relinquish, discontinue
2. assert, state, hold, claim, insist, declare, allege, contend, affirm, profess, avow, aver, asseverate Prosecutors maintain that no deal was made.
assert disavow
3. look after, care for, take care of, finance, conserve, keep in good condition The house costs a fortune to maintain.4. support, look after, keep, finance, feed, sustain, take care of, provide for, nurture, nourish the basic costs of maintaining a child


verb1. To persevere in some condition, action, or belief:keep, retain, stay with.2. To keep in a condition of good repair, efficiency, or use:keep up, preserve, sustain.3. To supply with the necessities of life:keep, provide for, support.Idiom: take care of.4. To support against arguments, attack, or criticism:apologize, defend, justify, vindicate.Idioms: speak up for, stand up for, stick up for.5. To put into words positively and with conviction:affirm, allege, argue, assert, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, claim, contend, declare, hold, say, state.Idiom: have it.


(meinˈtein) verb1. to continue. How long can you maintain this silence? 保持 保持2. to keep in good condition. He maintains his car very well. 維護 维护3. to pay the expenses of. How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary? 撫養 供养4. to continue to argue or believe (that). I maintain that the theory is true. 堅持 坚持ˈmaintenance (-tənəns) noun1. the process of keeping something in good condition. car maintenance. 保養 保养2. the act of maintaining (a point of view etc). 堅持 坚持




maintain (oneself or someone) in (something)

To allow oneself or someone to live a particular lifestyle. Unfortunately, we don't have enough money to maintain ourselves in this lavish manse anymore.See also: maintain

maintain (something) at (something)

To keep something at a particular setting or level. I try to maintain my savings at $1,000, at least, in case of emergencies.See also: maintain

maintain someone in something

to keep or provide for someone in a certain style or condition. I insist that you maintain me in the style to which I have become accustomed. He had hoped to maintain himself in comfort.See also: maintain

maintain something at something

to keep something at a certain level, setting, degree, amount, etc. You must maintain the temperature at 30 degrees Celsius. We have to maintain the temperature at a very high level.See also: maintain



i. The term as used in air traffic control terminology and as it pertains to altitude/flight level means, “Remain at the altitude/flight level, as specified.” The phrase “climb and” or “descend and” normally precedes “maintain” and the altitude assignment (e.g., “Descend and maintain 6000”).
ii. Concerning other ATC (air traffic control) instructions, the term is used in a literal sense: “Maintain VFR (visual flight rules).”
iii. A verb of maintenance.



(mān-tān′) [L. manu tenère, to hold in the hand] 1. To hold, support, or preserve.2. To continue, e.g., a healthy behavior.


  • verb

Synonyms for maintain

verb continue


  • continue
  • retain
  • preserve
  • sustain
  • carry on
  • keep
  • keep up
  • prolong
  • uphold
  • nurture
  • conserve
  • perpetuate


  • end
  • finish
  • drop
  • give up
  • conclude
  • suspend
  • abolish
  • terminate
  • break off
  • relinquish
  • discontinue

verb assert


  • assert
  • state
  • hold
  • claim
  • insist
  • declare
  • allege
  • contend
  • affirm
  • profess
  • avow
  • aver
  • asseverate


  • disavow

verb look after


  • look after
  • care for
  • take care of
  • finance
  • conserve
  • keep in good condition

verb support


  • support
  • look after
  • keep
  • finance
  • feed
  • sustain
  • take care of
  • provide for
  • nurture
  • nourish

Synonyms for maintain

verb to persevere in some condition, action, or belief


  • keep
  • retain
  • stay with

verb to keep in a condition of good repair, efficiency, or use


  • keep up
  • preserve
  • sustain

verb to supply with the necessities of life


  • keep
  • provide for
  • support

verb to support against arguments, attack, or criticism


  • apologize
  • defend
  • justify
  • vindicate

verb to put into words positively and with conviction


  • affirm
  • allege
  • argue
  • assert
  • asseverate
  • aver
  • avouch
  • avow
  • claim
  • contend
  • declare
  • hold
  • say
  • state

Synonyms for maintain

verb keep in a certain state, position, or activity


  • hold
  • keep

Related Words

  • pressurise
  • pressurize
  • preserve
  • uphold
  • carry on
  • continue
  • bear on
  • hold over
  • conserve
  • distance
  • housekeep

verb keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction


  • conserve
  • preserve
  • keep up

Related Words

  • keep
  • embalm
  • plastinate
  • hold the line

verb supply with necessities and support


  • sustain
  • keep

Related Words

  • patronage
  • reseed
  • have
  • have got
  • hold
  • carry

verb state categorically


  • assert
  • asseverate

Related Words

  • insist
  • take a firm stand
  • allege
  • aver
  • say
  • predicate
  • proclaim

verb have and exercise


  • wield
  • exert

Related Words

  • have
  • have got
  • hold

verb maintain for use and service


  • keep

Related Words

  • have
  • have got
  • hold

verb maintain by writing regular records


  • keep

Related Words

  • record
  • enter
  • put down

verb state or assert


  • defend

Related Words

  • vindicate
  • affirm

verb support against an opponent


  • uphold

Related Words

  • vindicate
  • justify
  • reassert
  • confirm

verb stick to correctly or closely


  • keep
  • observe




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