单词 | nebivolol | ||||||||
释义 | nebivololnebivololnebivololPharmacologic class: Beta-adrenergic blocker Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive Pregnancy risk category C ActionNot fully known. The following factors may be involved: decreased heart rate, reduced myocardial contractility, decreased tonic sympathetic outflow to periphery from cerebrovasomotor centers, suppressed renin activity, vasodilation, and decreased peripheral vascular resistance. AvailabilityTablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg Indications and dosages➣ Hypertension Adults: Individualized; 5 mg P.O. daily. If patient requires further blood pressure reduction, dosage may be increased at 2-week intervals up to 40 mg P.O. daily. Dosage adjustment• Moderate hepatic impairment or severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/minute) Contraindications• Hypersensitivity to drug or its components • Severe bradycardia, heart block greater than first degree, cardiogenic shock, decompensated cardiac failure, sick sinus syndrome (unless permanent pacemaker is in place) • Severe hepatic impairment PrecautionsUse cautiously in: • moderate hepatic impairment • severe renal impairment • congestive heart failure (CHF) • peripheral vascular disease • bronchospastic disease (use not recommended) • diabetic patients receiving hypoglycemic drugs • known or suspected pheochromocytoma • concurrent use of myocardial depressants, AV conduction inhibitors (such as cardiac glycosides and certain calcium antagonists), or antiarrhythmics (such as disopyramide) • perioperative use with anesthetics that depress myocardial function (such as ether, cyclopropane, or trichloroethylene) • pregnant patients • breastfeeding patients (use not recommended) • children (safety and efficacy not established). Administration• Give with or without food. • Be aware that drug may be used alone or in combination with other antihypertensives. • Know that drug shouldn't be combined with other beta blockers. Closely monitor patients receiving catecholamine-depleting drugs (such as reserpine or guanethidine), because added beta blockade may decrease sympathetic activity excessively. In patients receiving nebivolol with clonidine, discontinue nebivolol for several days before gradually tapering clonidine. Don't withdraw drug abruptly; taper over 1 to 2 weeks when possible. Drug may mask signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as tachycardia; abrupt withdrawal may exacerbate signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism or may trigger thyroid storm. ![]() Adverse reactionsCNS: headache, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia CV: bradycardia GI: nausea, diarrhea Respiratory: dyspnea Skin: rash Other: chest pain, peripheral edema InteractionsDrug-drug. Antiarrhythmics (such as disopyramide), myocardial depressants or AV conduction inhibitors (such as cardiac glycosides and certain calcium antagonists): increased risk of slowed AV conduction and bradycardia Cimetidine: increased d-nebivolol (active isomer) blood level CYP2D6 inhibitors (such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, propafenone, quinidine): increased d-nebivolol blood level Other beta-adrenergic blockers: excessive reduction of sympathetic activity Sildenafil: decreased effect of sildenafil Drug-diagnostic tests. Blood urea nitrogen, triglycerides, uric acid: increased levels Cholesterol, high-density lipoproteins, platelet count: decreased Patient monitoringBe aware that beta blockade may further depress myocardial contractility and trigger more severe heart failure in patients with compensated CHF. If CHF worsens, consider discontinuing drug. During perioperative use, closely monitor patients receiving anesthetics that depress myocardial function, such as ether, cyclopropane, or trichloroethylene. Also, know that if drug is withdrawn before major surgery, the heart's impaired ability to respond to reflex adrenergic stimuli may increase risks of general anesthesia and surgery. • Because of significant negative inotropic and chronotropic effects in patients treated with verapamil- or diltiazem-type beta blockers or calcium channel blockers, use caution in patients treated concomitantly with these agents; monitor ECG and blood pressure. Patient teaching• Tell patient drug may be taken with or without food. • Advise patient not to stop taking drug unless prescriber approves. Instruct patient to immediately report difficulty breathing, increasing shortness of breath, excessively slow pulse, or weight gain. • Caution patient to avoid driving and other hazardous activities until drug's effects on alertness are known. • Advise breastfeeding patient not to breastfeed during therapy. • As appropriate, review all other significant adverse reactions and interactions, especially those related to the drugs and tests mentioned above. nebivolol(ne-bi-vi-lole) nebivolol,Bystolic(trade name)ClassificationTherapeutic: antihypertensivesPharmacologic: beta blockers IndicationsActionTherapeutic effectsPharmacokineticsTime/action profile (blood levels)
Contraindications/PrecautionsAdverse Reactions/Side EffectsCentral nervous system
InteractionsDrug-Drug interactionDrugs that affect the CYP2D6 enzyme system are expected to alter levels and possibly effects of nebivolol; dose alterations may be required.Fluoxetine, a known inhibitor of CYP2D6, ↑ levels and effects; similar effects may be expected from quinidine, propafenone, and paroxetine.Blood levels are also ↑ by cimetine.Anesthetic agents including ether, trichloroethylene, and cyclopropane as well as other myocardial depressants or inhibitors of AV conduction, such as diltiazem and verapamil may ↑ risk of myocardial depression and bradycardia.Avoid concurrent use with beta blockers.Concurrent use with reserpine may excessively reduce sympathetic activity.If used concurrently with clonidine, nebivolol should be tapered and discontinued several days prior to gradual withdrawal of clonidine.Route/DosageHepatic/Renal ImpairmentOral (Adults) 2.5 mg once daily initially; titrate upward cautiously.AvailabilityNursing implicationsNursing assessment
Potential Nursing DiagnosesDecreased cardiac output (Side Effects)Implementation
Patient/Family Teaching
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
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