Acronym | Definition |
NWT➣Northwest Territories (Canada) |
NWT➣New with Tag(s) (online auctions) |
NWT➣Normal Wear and Tear |
NWT➣New World Translation (Bible) |
NWT➣Natural Wear and Tear |
NWT➣Norfolk Wildlife Trust (UK) |
NWT➣New with Tags |
NWT➣Normal Wideband Terminal |
NWT➣Network Transmission |
NWT➣Net Weight |
NWT➣New World Technology |
NWT➣New World Telecom |
NWT➣Nonwatertight (product feature) |
NWT➣Noted with Thanks (email response) |
NWT➣Northwest Territorial Mint |
NWT➣Normal Wideband Terminal (US DoD) |
NWT➣Near West Theatre (Cleveland, OH) |
NWT➣Not with Team (sports) |
NWT➣Neighbors Working Together (various locations) |
NWT➣North West Tonight/Today |
NWT➣Nuclear Weapons Technology Programs |
NWT➣New Wave Tuesday |
NWT➣No Weight Transfer (Skimaire) |
NWT➣Naval Weapons Technician (Canadian Forces) |
NWT➣Negated Walsh Transform |