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Amblyomma [am″ble-om´ah] a genus of ticks, comprising approximately 100 species, which are vectors of various disease-producing organisms. A. america´num is the Lone Star tick, a species widely distributed from the southern United States to South America and is a vector of rocky mountain spotted fever. A. cajennen´se is found in many parts of the Americas and is a vector of São Paulo fever, a form of typhus. A. macula´tum is the Gulf Coast tick, which mainly infests cattle and is widely distributed in the Americas; its bite causes painful sores that serve as sites of screwworm infections and secondary bacterial and fungal infections.Amblyomma (am'blē-om'ă), A genus of ornate, hard ticks (family Ixodidae) with eyes, festoons, and, in the males, deeply imbedded ventral plates near the festoons. [ambly- + G. omma, eye, vision] Am·bly·om·ma (am'blē-o'mă) A genus of hard ticks characterized by eyes, festoons, and deeply imbedded ventral plates near these festoons. [ambly- + G. omma, eye, vision] |