myasthenic reaction

Jol·ly re·ac·tion

(zhō-lē'), rapid loss of contraction response of a muscle to faradic stimulation of the motor nerve supplying it, while the response to galvanic stimulation and the power of voluntary contraction are retained; an early method used for detecting disorders of neuromuscular transmission (for example, myasthenia gravis). Synonym(s): myasthenic reaction

myasthenic reaction

A progressive decrease in muscle strength with repeated contraction, a clinical finding which is typical of myasthenia gravis.

myasthenic reaction

Neurology A progressive ↓ in muscle strength with repeated contraction, typical of myasthenia gravis


Friedrich, German neurologist, 1844-1904. Jolly reaction - rapid loss of response to faradic stimulation of a muscle with the galvanic response and the power of voluntary contraction retained. Synonym(s): Jolly test; myasthenic reactionJolly test - Synonym(s): Jolly reaction