law of excitation

law of ex·ci·ta·tion

a motor nerve responds, not to the absolute value, but to the alteration of value from moment to moment, of the electric current; that is, rate of change of intensity of the current is a factor in determining its effectiveness. Synonym(s): Du Bois-Reymond law

law of ex·ci·ta·tion

(law ek'sī-tā'shŭn) A motor nerve responds, not to the absolute value, but to the alteration of value from moment to moment, of the electric current (i.e., rate of change of intensity of the current is a factor in determining its effectiveness).

Du Bois-Reymond,

Emil H., German physiologist, 1818-1896. Du Bois-Reymond law - a motor nerve responds, not to the absolute value, but to the alteration of value from moment to moment, of the electric current. Synonym(s): law of excitation