Lobanov-Yamagata Protocol of 1896
Lobanov-Yamagata Protocol of 1896
a diplomatic document on the Korean question signed in Moscow on May 28 (June 9) by the Russian minister of foreign affairs A. B. Lobanov-Rostovskii and the Japanese representative A. Yamagata.
The protocol summed up the results of Russian-Japanese negotiations after the murder of the Korean queen in October 1895 by Japanese agents and the escape of the king to the Russian mission building. Both sides agreed upon the return of the king. The protocol provided for joint Russian-Japanese assistance to Korea in obtaining foreign loans, should assistance be necessary. It also provided for consultations between Russia and Japan on all questions regarding Korea that might arise in the future. Essentially this agreement reflected the desire of tsarist Russia to limit the prevailing Japanese influence in Korea, a situation that had arisen after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–95. However, in 1898 the accord was supplemented by a new protocol, in which Russia was obliged not to hinder the development of Japanese-Korean commercial and industrial ties.