law of specific nerve energies

Mül·ler law

(mūl'ĕr), each sensory receptor organ and its nerve fiber receive and transmit just one modality of sensation, regardless of how it is stimulated; moreover, each type of sensation depends not on any special character of the different sensory nerves, but instead on the part of the brain in which their impulses terminate. Synonym(s): law of specific nerve energies


Johannes P., German anatomist, physiologist, and pathologist, 1801-1858. Müller capsule - the expanded beginning of a nephron composed of an inner and outer layer. Synonym(s): glomerular capsuleMüller duct - either of the two paired embryonic tubes extending along the mesonephros. Synonym(s): paramesonephric ductMüller law - each type of sensory nerve ending gives rise to its own specific sensation. Synonym(s): law of specific nerve energiesMüller maneuver - the reverse of the Valsalva maneuver.Müller tubercle - the first evidence of the embryonic uterus and vagina. Synonym(s): sinus tubercle