occipitoanterior position

oc·cip·i·to·an·te·ri·or po·si·tion (OA),

a cephalic presentation of the fetus with its occiput under the symphysis or rotated toward the right (right occipitoanterior, ROA) or to the left (left occipitoanterior, LOA) acetabulum of the mother.

oc·cip·i·to·an·te·ri·or po·si·tion

(OA) (ok-sip'i-tō-an-tēr'ē-ŏr pŏ-zish'ŏn) A cephalic presentation of the fetus with its occiput turned toward the right (right occipitoanterior, ROA) or to the left (left occipitoanterior, LOA) acetabulum of the mother.