occlusal plane

oc·clu·sal plane

, plane of occlusionan imaginary surface that is related anatomically to the cranium and that theoretically touches the incisal edges of the incisors and the tips of the occluding surfaces of the posterior teeth; it is not a plane in the true sense of the word but represents the mean of the curvature of the surface.
See also: curve of occlusion.
Synonym(s): bite plane

oc·clu·sal plane

, plane of occlusion (ŏ-klūzăl plān, ŏ-klūzhŭn) Imaginary surface related anatomically to the cranium and theoretically touches the incisal edges of the incisors and the tips of the occluding surfaces of the posterior teeth.

oc·clu·sal plane

, plane of occlusion (ŏ-klūzăl plān, ŏ-klūzhŭn) 1. Plane established by incisal and occlusal surfaces of teeth. Because occlusal surfaces of teeth do not all lie on a flat surface, the plane is an "average" one.
See also: curve of occlusion
2. In complete denture fabrication, surface of wax occlusion runs contoured to position teeth in denture.
Synonym(s): bite plane.