open comedo


 [kom´ĕ-do] (pl. comedo´nes) (L.) a plug of keratin and sebum within the dilated orifice of a hair follicle frequently containing the bacteria Corynebacterium acnes, Staphylococcus albus, and Pityrosporum ovale; see also acne vulgaris.closed comedo whitehead (def. 1).open comedo blackhead.

o·pen com·e·do

a comedo with a wide opening on the skin surface capped with a melanin-containing blackened mass of epithelial debris.


A blocked sebaceous gland which is open to air, where the secretions oxidise, turning black.

o·pen com·e·do

(ō'pĕn kom'ĕ-dō) A comedo with a wide opening on the skin surface capped with a melanin-containing blackened mass of epithelial debris.
Synonym(s): blackhead (1) .