

(lō'bō-mī-kō'sis), A chronic localized mycosis of the skin reported from South America resulting in granulomatous nodules or keloids that contain budding, thick-walled cells about 9 mcm in diameter, that is, the tissue form of Loboa loboi, the causative fungus, which has not been cultured. Also occurs in dolphins. Synonym(s): Lobo disease


(lo?bo-mi-ko'sis) [ (Lacazia) loboi + mycosis] A fungal infection of the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues in which nodules resembling keloids, plaques, or warts form on the skin, caused by Lacazia loboi. Treatment is surgical. Synonym: keloidal blastomycosisLobo disease


Jorge, Brazilian physician, 1900-1979. Lobo disease - a chronic localized mycosis of the skin. Synonym(s): lobomycosislobomycosis - Synonym(s): Lobo disease