Acronym | Definition |
MBP➣Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna (Polish: City Public Library) |
MBP➣Myelin Basic Protein |
MBP➣Macbook Pro (Apple notebook computer) |
MBP➣Mechanical Breakdown Protection |
MBP➣Maltose Binding Protein |
MBP➣Methodologies and Best Practices |
MBP➣Master Boot Program |
MBP➣Memory Block Page |
MBP➣Microsoft Business Portal |
MBP➣Major Basic Protein |
MBP➣Mannose Binding Protein |
MBP➣Management by Project (business methodology) |
MBP➣Maintenance Bypass (panel; electronics) |
MBP➣Munchausen By Proxy |
MBP➣Million Book Project |
MBP➣Master Beekeeper Program (various schools) |
MBP➣Mark Burnett Productions (Los Angeles, CA) |
MBP➣Music Business Program |
MBP➣Massachusetts Bays Program |
MBP➣Medical Benefits Package (various organizations) |
MBP➣Mechanical Back Pain |
MBP➣Merchant Banking Partners |
MBP➣Man Bear Pig (South Park cartoon) |
MBP➣Metal Binding Protein |
MBP➣Molluscan Broodstock Program (Newport, OR; est. 1996) |
MBP➣Mailbox Provider (email) |
MBP➣Mine Burial Program (Office of Naval Research) |
MBP➣Molecular Biology of Plants |
MBP➣Marquette Branch Prison (Michigan Department of Corrections) |
MBP➣Master Buy Plan |
MBP➣Mexican Brown Pride |
MBP➣MiniBusPlus Limited (UK minibus insurance) |
MBP➣major binding protein |
MBP➣Microstrip Beam Probe |
MBP➣Monthly Basic Pay |
MBP➣Monthly Bonus Prizes |
MBP➣(Network) Management at Boundary Point |
MBP➣Main Booster Pump |
MBP➣Metro Business Partnership Ltd. (UK) |
MBP➣Management By Plan |
MBP➣Movable Boundary Protocol |