

单词 mycosis fungoides

mycosis fungoides


mycosis fungoides

mycosis fungoides

[mī¦kōs·əs fəŋ′gȯi‚dēz] (medicine) A lymphoma of the skin, usually present in several sites when first diagnosed, that may remain confined to the skin for 10 or more years before eventually spreading to internal organs and causing death.

mycosis fungoides


 [mi-ko´sis] any disease caused by fungi.mycosis fungoi´des a chronic or rapidly progressive form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (formerly thought to be of fungal origin), which in some cases evolves into generalized lymphoma. It may be divided generally into three successive stages: premycotic, associated with intensely pruritic eruptions; infiltrated plaques, or mycotic, characterized by the presence of abnormal mononuclear cells (Sézary cells); and mushroom-like tumors that often ulcerate. The tumor stage (d'emblée type) may develop without preceding lesions or prodromal symptoms.opportunistic mycosis a fungal or funguslike disease occurring as an infection" >opportunistic infection. Fungi that may become opportunistic pathogens include species of Aspergillus, Candida, Mucor, and Cryptococcus. Successful treatment of opportunistic mycoses depends on identification of the specific organism causing the infection. Without effective therapy a systemic infection of this type can be fatal.

my·co·sis fun·goi·'des

[MIM*254400] a chronic progressive lymphoma arising in the skin that initially simulates eczema or other inflammatory dermatoses; the appearance of plaques is associated with acanthosis and bandlike infiltration of the upper dermis by a pleomorphic infiltrate including helper T lymphocytes with large, convoluted nuclei that also collect in clear spaces in the lower epidermis (Pautrier microabscesses); in advanced cases, ulcerated tumors and infiltration of lymph nodes may occur.
See also: Sézary syndrome.

mycosis fungoides 

Hematology A rare–0.3/105/yr, malignant lymphoproliferation of paracortical T cells, usually helper, less often, suppressor subtypes that is 2-fold more common in older blacks Clinical Skin involvement precedes Sx by up to 2 yrs; the leukemic phase–Sezary syndrome–occurs in 80% and is accompanied by fever, weight loss, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, lung involvement, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, peripheral neuropathy, and periarteritis nodosa. Stages of ↑ aggression: Erythema stage, plaque stage, tumor stage, d'emblee stage Management Early RT and chemotherapy don't alter clinical disease

my·co·sis fun·goi·des

(mī-kō'sis fung-goyd'ēz) A chronic progressive lymphoma arising in the skin that initially simulates eczema or other inflammatory dermatoses; in advanced cases, ulcerated tumors and infiltrations of lymph nodes may occur.

mycosis fungoides

A malignant tumour of T lymphocyte origin (lymphoma) affecting the skin and causing multiple flat growths that remain confined to the skin for many years. Spread to the lymph nodes and internal organs may occur at a late stage. Anticancer treatment is sometimes needed. The condition has nothing to do with fungus and was named before its true nature was known.

Mycosis fungoides

The most common type of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. This low-grade lymphoma primarily affects the skin. Generally, it has a slow course and often remains confined to the skin. Over time, in about 10% of cases, it can progress to the lymph nodes and internal organs.Mentioned in: Corticosteroids, Systemic, Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma


Jean Louis Marc, French dermatologist, 1768-1837. Alibert-Bazin syndrome - heterogenous group of malignant lymphomas characterized by the expansion of a clone of CD4+ (or helper) memory cells, primarily affecting the skin. Synonym(s): Alibert disease III; Auspitz dermatosis; cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; granuloma fungoides; mycosis fungoidesAlibert disease I - firm, thickened, irregularly shaped, pink or red growth that arises on and extends beyond an area of the skin that has been injured. Synonym(s): Alibert keloid; cicatricial keloidAlibert disease II - infection caused by Leishmania tropica. Synonym(s): Baghdad boil; chiclero ulcer; cutaneous leishmaniasis; oriental soreAlibert disease III - Synonym(s): Alibert-Bazin syndromeAlibert keloid - Synonym(s): Alibert disease I

my·co·sis fun·goi·des

(mī-kō'sis fung-goyd'ēz) [MIM*254400] A chronic progressive lymphoma arising in the skin that initially simulates eczema or other inflammatory dermatoses; in advanced cases, ulcerated tumors and infiltrations of lymph nodes may occur.




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