online service

online service

(1) An organization that provides an information service over the Internet. Examples are search engines, cloud storage services and application service providers.

(2) An organization that provides access to the Internet. See ISP.

(3) An earlier organization that provided proprietary content online. Before the Internet was offered to the general public, online services such as AOL and CompuServe contained a unique mix of databases and resources available via dial-up modems. If email was provided, it could only be sent to members of the same service.

After the Internet became popular, all the proprietary services provided Web access to their content. Proprietary email systems were either switched to Internet mail protocols (SMTP) or their formats were routinely converted back and forth to the Internet format. The following online services predate the Internet explosion of the mid-1990s and are here for historical purposes. See portal.

America Online, Inc. (AOL)
Internet access, variety of databases

CompuServe Information Service, Inc.
Internet access, variety of databases

DataTimes Corporation
Newspapers, magazines, financial

DIALOG (ProQuest company)
Largest collection of databases

Dow Jones Interactive
Finance, daily news & news searching

Genie (now defunct)
Internet access, BBSs, roundtables

Legal and news information

National Library of Medicine
MEDLINE and MEDLARS databases

Prodigy (owned by SBC in 2001
merged into AT&T in 2005)
Internet access, variety of databases

Questel - Orbit
Patent, trademark, scientific, chemical,
business and news information

West Publishing/WESTLAW
(Thomson Reuters company)
Legal databases