释义 |
myelomeningocele [mi″ĕ-lo-mĕ-ning´go-sēl] hernial protrusion of the spinal cord and its meninges through a defect in the vertebral arch (spina bifida); see also neural tube defect. Called also meningomyelocele. Child with a large thoraco-lumbar myelomeningocele consisting of protruding spinal cord covered by meninges. From Mueller and Young, 2001.my·e·lo·cys·to·cele (mī'ĕ-lō-sis'tō-sēl), Spina bifida containing spinal cord substance. [myelo- + G. kystis, bladder, + kēlē, tumor] my·e·lo·cys·to·cele (mī'ĕ-lō-sis'tō-sēl) Spina bifida containing spinal cord substance. [myelo- + G. kystis, bladder, + kēlē, tumor] |