local delivery plan

local delivery plan

A generic term for the annual performance contract between central government in the UK and local NHS Boards, which delineates the services to be provided over 12 months.
The Grampian Trust of NHS Scotland had a 2011/2 local delivery plan which includes 17 “HEAT” targets—Health improvement, Efficiency, Access, Treatment.
HEAT targets
Health Improvement themes
• Take action to address Scotland’s major public health challenges, with an increased emphasis on disadvantaged groups and ensuring children get the best start in life. Work to embed health improvement services as part of the “health offer”.
Efficiency themes
• Support NHS Scotland to maintain financial balance and to maximise efficiency savings to reinvest in frontline services, by eradicating waste and modernising healthcare services to improve the quality of care. Continuing to lead the public sector on its action to tackle climate change through carbon emissions and energy consumption targets.
Access themes
• Introduce new maximum waiting time access targets for alcohol misuse and psychological therapies, which will help tackle some of Scotland’s biggest economic and social problems. Delivery of the 18 weeks Referral to Treatment target, improving quality of care through removing the uncertainty and worry for patients caused by unnecessary waits for diagnoses and treatment.
• Improve patient safety through further reductions in healthcare associated infections (including MRSA and Clostridium difficile). Improve access to stroke unit care and reducing the risk of disability as well as death.