abdominoperineal resection

abdominoperineal resection (APR),

a surgical cancer treatment involving resection of the lower sigmoid colon, rectum, anus, and surrounding skin and formation of a sigmoid colostomy; performed as a synchronous or sequential transabdominal and perineal procedure.

abdominoperineal resection

The surgical excision of the lower rectum and anus, resulting in the loss of the anal sphincter and a need for colostomy.
Local control, 60–80%; 60–90% 5-year survival; for larger lesions, RT and 5-FU and mitomycin are used. 
APR is less preferred than RT for small lesions + external beam treatment or with radioactive implants—e.g., 198Iridium seeds.

ab·dom·i·no·per·i·ne·al re·sec·tion

(ab-dom'i-nō-per-i-nē'ăl rē-sek'shŭn) A surgical treatment for cancer involving resection of the lower sigmoid colon, rectum, anus, and surrounding skin, and formation of a sigmoid colostomy; performed as a synchronous or sequential transabdominal and perineal procedure.