Acronym | Definition |
MPB➣Musica Popular Brasileira |
MPB➣Monographs in Population Biology (books) |
MPB➣Mid Penn Bancorp (Pennsylvania) |
MPB➣Male Pattern Baldness |
MPB➣Mountain Pine Beetle |
MPB➣Mississippi Public Broadcasting |
MPB➣Marine Pollution Bulletin (publication) |
MPB➣Media Prima Berhad (Malaysia) |
MPB➣Marfin Popular Bank (Cyprus) |
MPB➣Minimum Plain Bore (sprockets) |
MPB➣Master Power Brakes (manufacturer) |
MPB➣Most Precious Blood (band) |
MPB➣Minor Planet Bulletin (journal) |
MPB➣Morphotropic Phase Boundary |
MPB➣Monetary Policy Board (various organizations) |
MPB➣Maintenance Parts Bin (software) |
MPB➣Modular Plastic Belt (conveyor belts) |
MPB➣Ministry of Planning and Budget (South Korea) |
MPB➣Missing Persons Bureau |
MPB➣Mpumalanga Parks Board |
MPB➣Miami, FL, USA - Miami Public Seaplane Base (Airport Code) |
MPB➣Methane-Producing Bacteria |
MPB➣Manchester Pipe Band (Connecticut) |
MPB➣Minute Pirate Bug (insect) |
MPB➣Musicians Phone Book (reference guide) |
MPB➣Mobile Point Base (gaming) |
MPB➣Main Processor Board |
MPB➣Maine Potato Board |
MPB➣Monsignor Paul Baxter (school) |
MPB➣Maintenance Parts Breakdown |
MPB➣Microprocessor Board |
MPB➣Magnetic Particle Brake |
MPB➣Micro Pulse Bomb |
MPB➣Monty Python Brigade (MOHAA gaming clan) |
MPB➣Motor Patrol Boat |
MPB➣Managed Pharmacy Benefits Inc. |
MPB➣Matrix Program Board |
MPB➣Material Performance Branch |
MPB➣Master of Physical Biology |
MPB➣Maryland Pony Breeders, Inc. |
MPB➣Maximum Play-Back |
MPB➣Motorized Pontoon Bridge |
MPB➣Mouvement Progressiste de Burundi |
MPB➣My Plaid Blankey (Lakewood, CO) |
MPB➣Multi-Layer Printed Board |
MPB➣Multi-Parish Benefice (UK Church of England) |
MPB➣Miniature Precision Bearing, Inc. |
MPB➣Molecular Particle Beam |
MPB➣Montpelier and Barre (railroad) |
MPB➣Mecánicas de Precisión de Boecillo Aerospace S.L. |
MPB➣Medicare Prescription Benefit |
MPB➣Michigan Parole Board |
MPB➣Manufacturing Process Breakdown |
MPB➣Mission Planning Branch |
MPB➣Mennonite Publication Board |
MPB➣My Parent's Basement Software, LLC (Salt Lake City, UT) |