Ouachita National Forest

Ouachita National Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / National ForestsAddress:100 Reserve St
PO Box 1270
Hot Springs, AR 71902

Web: www.fs.fed.us/r8/ouachita
Size: 1,800,000 acres.
Location:West-central Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma. Accessible by US 59, 70, 71, 270, and 271; AR 7 and 10. Nearby cities/towns include Booneville, Hot Springs, and Mena, AR; Heavener and Poteau, OK.
Facilities:21 campgrounds, group camps, picnic sites, trails (700 miles), 11 shooting ranges, scenic drives, 5 float camps, 2 historical sites.
Activities:Camping, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, ORV riding, horseback riding, rock hounding, rock climbing.
Special Features:4,000 miles of streams and 1,600 acres of lake and ponds; 192 miles (85%) of Ouachita National Recreation Trail; Robert S. Kerr Arboretum and Nature Center, with interpretive exhibits and self-guided trails; Winding Stair Mountain National Recreation Area.

See other parks in Arkansas.