Michurin Winter Beurre
Michurin Winter Beurre
a winter variety of pear, introduced in 1903 by I. V. Michurin, who crossed the Ussurian pear with the southern variety Roial’. The fruits are medium-sized or large (160–270 g), broadly pear-shaped; when picked they are light green and matte, but as they are kept, they become more yellow and take on a brownish carmine luster. They are very juicy, aromatic, and have a winey-sweet taste. They can be kept until January. The trees are sturdy and relatively winter hardy. They begin bearing fruit in their fifth or sixth year, and are high-yielding (200 kg from a tree). The variety is distributed in the European part of RSFSR, the Kazakh SSR, and the Byelorussian SSR.