

1. slang A small flask typically used to discretely carry hard liquor. I snuck a mickey filled with whiskey into prom with me. My grandma used to take little nips out of a mickey as she sat doing her crocheting. She said it was her medicine when we were kids.2. slang A 375-milliliter bottle of hard liquor. Primarily heard in Canada. Here's $20, will you go buy me a mickey of vodka? There must be about a mickey's worth of rum in this drink!3. slang A drug that is used to render someone unconscious or incapacitated, most often put in someone's drink without them knowing. Please be careful—it's scarily easy for someone to slip you a mickey at big parties like that. The victim of the robbery stated that the suspect had put a mickey in his drink while they were at the bar.4. vulgar slang A penis. Primarily heard in Ireland. He stood up and whipped out his mickey right then and there!


and micky1. n. a hip flask for liquor. He took a little swig out of a mickey he carries in his pocket. 2. Go to Mickey (Finn). 3. n. a small bottle of wine. See if you can get a mickey of something for a buck. 4. n. a tranquilizer. (Drugs.) Whatever that mickey was you gave me, it helped. 5. ; mick an easy or trivial college course. (From mickey mouse sense 2) I’ve got a light load this quarter. Three micks and two education courses.


verbSee mickey


verbSee Mickey Finn