

, myelogonium (mī'ĕ-lō-gōn, mī'ě-lo-gō'nē-ŭm), An immature white blood cell of the myeloid series that is characterized by a relatively large, fairly deeply stained, finely reticulated nucleus that contains palely stained nucleoli, and a scant amount of rimlike, nongranular, moderately basophilic cytoplasm. Myelogones are difficult to distinguish from lymphoblasts and monoblasts, unless one evaluates them in relation to the more mature forms usually associated with the younger cells. [myelo- + G. gonē, seed]


, myelogonium (mī'ĕ-lō-gōn, -gō'nē-ŭm) An immature white blood cell of the myeloid series that is characterized by a large, deeply stained, reticulated nucleus and a scant amount of nongranular basophilic cytoplasm. [myelo- + G. gonē, seed]