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nec·ro·bi·o·sis N0046100 (nĕk′rō-bī-ō′sĭs)n. The natural death of cells or tissues through aging, as distinguished from necrosis or pathological death. nec′ro·bi·ot′ic (-ŏt′ĭk) adj.EncyclopediaSeeNecrobiosisnecrobiotic
nec·ro·bi·ot·ic (nek'rō-bī-ot'ik), Pertaining to or characterized by necrobiosis.nec·ro·bi·ot·ic (nek'rō-bī-ot'ik) Pertaining to or characterized by necrobiosis. necrobiosis (nek-ro-bi-o'sis) [? + biosis, life] Gradual degeneration and swelling of collagen bundles in the dermis. See: necrosisnecrobiotic (ne?kro-bi-ot'ik), adjectivenecrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorumA skin disease marked by necrotic atrophy of connective and elastic tissue. The lesions have a central yellowish area surrounded by a brownish border and telangiectases and usually present on the anterior surface of the legs. The disease is commonly found in people who have had diabetes mellitus for many years. Beginning as 1 to 3 mm papules or nodules, the lesions enlarge to become waxy or shiny round plaques that are reddish brown at first and later become yellow atrophic lesions. Synonym: diabetic dermopathyPatient careInfection and, occasionally, ulceration result when an affected area is traumatized. A variety of treatments have been tried for patients who find the rash unsightly; none are definitively effective. The patient also should be taught methods for protecting legs and other affected areas from injury. Graduated compression stockings should be worn, and the legs should be rested frequently. ThesaurusSeenecrobiosis |