

单词 mpd



abbr. multiple personality disorder
EncyclopediaSeemaximum permissible dose



 [dōs] the quantity to be administered at one time, as a specified amount of medication or a given quantity of radiation.absorbed dose that amount of energy from ionizing radiations absorbed per unit mass of matter, expressed in rads.air dose the intensity of an x-ray or gamma-ray beam in air, expressed in roentgens.booster dose an amount of immunogen (vaccine, toxoid, or other antigen preparation), usually smaller than the original amount, injected at an appropriate interval after primary immunization to sustain the immune response to that immunogen.curative dose (CD) a dose that is sufficient to restore normal health. See also median curative dose.divided dose fractionated dose. effective dose (ED) that quantity of a drug that will produce the effects for which it is administered. See also median effective dose.erythema dose that amount of radiation" >radiation that, when applied to the skin, causes erythema" >erythema (temporary reddening).fatal dose lethal dose.fractionated dose a fraction of the total dose prescribed, as of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, to be given at intervals, usually during a 24-hour period.infective dose (ID) that amount of a pathogenic agent that will cause infection in susceptible subjects. See also median infective dose and tissue culture infective dose.lethal dose (LD) that quantity of an agent that will or may be sufficient to cause death. See also median lethal dose and minimum lethal dose.loading dose a dose of medication, often larger than subsequent doses, administered for the purpose of establishing a therapeutic level of the medication.maintenance dose the amount of a medication administered to maintain a desired level of the medication in the blood.maximum tolerated dose tolerance dose.maximum permissible dose the largest amount of ionizing radiation that one may safely receive within a specified period according to recommended limits in current radiation protection guides. The specific amounts vary with age and circumstance.median curative dose (CD50) a dose that abolishes symptoms in 50 per cent of test subjects.median effective dose (ED50) a dose that produces the desired effect in 50 per cent of a population.median infective dose (ID50) that amount of pathogenic microorganisms that will produce demonstrable infection in 50 per cent of the test subjects.median lethal dose (LD50) the quantity of an agent that will kill 50 per cent of the test subjects; in radiology, the amount of radiation that will kill, within a specified period, 50 per cent of individuals in a large group or population.median tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) that amount of a pathogenic agent that will produce infection in 50 per cent of cell cultures inoculated.minimum lethal dose 1. the amount of toxin that will just kill an experimental animal.2. the smallest quantity of diphtheria toxin that will kill a guinea pig of 250-gm weight in 4 to 5 days when injected subcutaneously.reference dose an estimate of the daily exposure to a substance for humans that is assumed to be without appreciable risk; it is calculated using the level" >no observed adverse effect level and is more conservative than the older margin of safety.skin dose (SD) 1. the air dose of radiation at the skin surface, comprising the primary radiation plus backscatter.2. the absorbed dose in the skin.threshold dose the minimum dose of ionizing radiation, a chemical, or a drug that will produce a detectable degree of any given effect.threshold erythema dose (TED) the single skin dose that will produce, in 80 per cent of those tested, a faint but definite erythema within 30 days, and in the other 20 per cent, no visible reaction.tissue culture infective dose (TCID) that amount of a pathogenic agent that will produce infection when inoculated on tissue cultures; used with a numeric qualifier.tolerance dose the largest quantity of an agent that may be administered without harm. Called also maximum tolerated dose.


Abbreviation for maximum permissible dose; Master of Public Health.


abbr. multiple personality disorder


Abbreviation for maximum permissible dose; multiple personality disorder.

Multiple personality disorder (MPD)

The former, though often still used, term for dissociative identity disorder (DID).Mentioned in: Dissociative Disorders, Multiple Personality Disorder


Abbreviation for maximum permissible dose.


MPDMultiple-Personality Disorder
MPDMetropolitan Police Department (Washington, DC, USA)
MPDManaged Pressure Drilling (oil drilling)
MPDManufacturing and Product Design (UK)
MPDMusic Player Daemon (music player server)
MPDMain Pancreatic Duct
MPDMilwaukee Police Department (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
MPDMonetary Policy Department (various locations)
MPDMinneapolis Police Department (Minneapolis, MN)
MPDMy Personal Diary
MPDMotion Picture Distribution (Canada)
MPDMaster Plan for Delhi (Delhi, India)
MPDMemphis Police Department
MPDMulti Protocol Driver
MPDMultiply Decimal
MPDMulti Processing Daemon Protocol
MPDMusic Player Daemon
MPDMicrosoft Project Database
MPDMessage Power Led
MPDMain Processor Card
MPDMini Port Driver
MPDMulti Purpose Document
MPDMulti Part Document
MPDMinutes per Day
MPDMost Popular Driver (award)
MPDMyeloproliferative Disorder
MPDMovimiento Popular Democratico (Democratic People's Movement )
MPDMesquite Police Department (Mesquite, NV)
MPDMarketing and Product Development
MPDMulti-Link PPP Daemon
MPDManagement of Product Development (various schools)
MPDMaintenance Planning Document
MPDMotor Protection Device (various companies)
MPDMiami Police Department (Florida)
MPDMilitary Personnel Division
MPDManila Police District
MPDMeat Packing District (New York City)
MPDMotive Power Depot (locomotive storage)
MPDMaui Police Department (Maui County, Hawaii)
MPDMissing Presumed Dead
MPDMitsubishi Pharma Deutschland (Dusseldorf, Germany)
MPDMicrowave Product Digest
MPDThousand Barrels per Day (oil production measurement)
MPDMontgomery Police Department (Alabama)
MPDMaster Project Director
MPDMaster of Product Development (Northwestern University)
MPDMean Profile Depth
MPDMale Pattern Baldness
MPDMinistry Partner Development (missionary support raising)
MPDMultiphoton Dissociation
MPDMyofascial Pain Disorder
MPDMulti-Paradigm Design (computer programming)
MPDDistal Myopathy
MPDMulti Party Democracy
MPDMode Power Distribution
MPDMessage Preparation Directory
MPDMultiple Purpose Document (airlines)
MPDminimum phototoxic dose
MPDMobile Personal Device
MPDMultipurpose Display
MPDMobile Phone Dealer (Philippines)
MPDMaximum Population Density
MPDMeritorious Police Duty (New York, NY)
MPDMulti Product Dispenser
MPDMobile Prefix Discovery
MPDMarietta Police Department (Georgia)
MPDManila Police Department
MPDMuscle Phosphorylase Deficiency
MPDMonitor Photo Diode
MPDMultiple Product Dispenser (gas station "islands")
MPDMicrowave Products Division
MPDMaximum Path Difference
MPDMultiphoton Detector
MPDMinimum Product Distance
MPDMedical Physics Department
MPDMaximum Permissible Dosage
MPDMobility Pilot Development
MPDMotive Power Department (railways)
MPDMaximum Packet Delay
MPDMain Processor Redundancy
MPDMovement Priority Designator
MPDMillersburg Police Department (Ohio)
MPDMacy's Product Development (Macy's department stores)
MPDMaximum Permissible Downtime
MPDMicrowave Power Devices, Incorporated
MPDMessage Processing & Distribution
MPDMeters above Principal Datum (lands planning)
MPDModification Program Directive
MPDMiscellaneous Pay Document
MPDMorganza Police Department (Louisiana)
MPDMono-Propellant Driver
MPDMonthly Payroll Deduct
MPDMaintenance Planing Document (Aircraft Maintenance Schedule)




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