释义 |
nos·ca·pine N5187850 (nŏs′kə-pēn′)n. A nonnarcotic alkaloid obtained from the opium poppy, C22H23NO7, that has antitussive and antitumor properties and has been used as a cough suppressant. [Alteration (influenced by Latin nōscere, to get to know; see notion) of gnoscopine, a racemic mixture of noscapine and its enantiomer : Greek (gi)gnōskō, first person singular of gignōskein, to know (from the fact that it was previously unknown); see gnō- in Indo-European roots + op(ium) + -ine.]noscapine
noscapine[′näs·kə‚pēn] (pharmacology) C22H23NO7 A white, colorless, tasteless alkaloid obtained from opium; used as a nonaddicting antitussive.Formerly known as narcotine. noscapine
noscapine [nos´kah-pēn] an alkaloid present in opium; used as a nonaddictive antitussive.nos·ca·pine (nos'kă-pēn), An isoquinoline alkaloid, occurring in opium, with papaverinelike action on smooth muscle; suppresses the cough reflex and this is used as an antitussive; it does not appear to cause addiction. Synonym(s): l-α-narcotine, opianinenoscapine (nŏs′kə-pēn′)n. A nonnarcotic alkaloid obtained from the opium poppy, C22H23NO7, that has antitussive and antitumor properties and has been used as a cough suppressant. |