Microbiological Research
Microbiological Research
a branch of research that has wide application not only for microbiology and other fields of biology, such as cytology, genetics, biochemistry, and radiobiology, but also for medicine and agriculture.
The goals of microbiological research are the discovery, identification, and study of the properties of microorganisms in water, air, soil, plants, and animals. Microbiological research has helped to elucidate the role of microbes in the natural cycle of matter and their multifaceted role in plant, animal, and human life. The research is important in diagnosing, preventing, and treating infectious diseases; in ascertaining the sources, mechanisms of transmission, and paths of distribution of infections; and in controlling the quality of food products. Investigation of the microflora of air, water, and soil has armed the science of hygiene with many methods for evaluating the environment. It has also fostered the development of measures for protecting and restoring the environment. Special methods and equipment are used in conducting microbiological research.