

单词 organism



O0116100 (ôr′gə-nĭz′əm)n.1. An individual form of life, such as a bacterium, protist, fungus, plant, or animal, composed of a single cell or a complex of cells in which organelles or organs work together to carry out the various processes of life.2. A system regarded as analogous in its structure or functions to a living body: the social organism.
or′gan·is′mal (-nĭz′məl), or′gan·is′mic (-mĭk) adj.or′gan·is′mi·cal·ly adv.


(ˈɔːɡəˌnɪzəm) n1. (Biology) any living biological entity, such as an animal, plant, fungus, or bacterium2. anything resembling a living creature in structure, behaviour, etc ˌorganˈismal, ˌorganˈismic adj ˌorganˈismally adv


(ˈɔr gəˌnɪz əm)

n. 1. any individual life form considered as an entity. 2. any complex, organized body or system analogous to a living being, esp. one composed of mutually interdependent parts functioning together. [1655–65] or`gan•is′mic, or`gan•is′mal, adj. or`gan•is′mi•cal•ly, adv.


(ôr′gə-nĭz′əm) An individual form of life, such as a bacterium, fungus, plant, or animal, that is capable of growing and reproducing. Organisms are composed of one or more cells.


  • cultivar - An organism resulting from cultivation, from the combination of "cultivated variety."
  • scientific name - The recognized Latin name given to an organism, consisting of a genus and species, according to a taxonomy; also called the binomial name.
  • soma - The body of an organism.
  • macronutrient - One required in relatively large amounts by organisms, e.g. carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.


any animal or plant.See also: Animals
any living thing or anything that resembles a living thing in complexity of structure or function.See also: Organisms


An individual living thing.
Noun1.organism - a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independentlyorganism - a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independentlybeinganimate thing, living thing - a living (or once living) entitybenthos - organisms (plants and animals) that live at or near the bottom of a seadwarf - a plant or animal that is atypically smallheterotroph - an organism that depends on complex organic substances for nutritionparent - an organism (plant or animal) from which younger ones are obtainedcell - (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animalsindividual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"animal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute - a living organism characterized by voluntary movementplant life, flora, plant - (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotionnative - indigenous plants and animalsrecombinant - a cell or organism in which genetic recombination has occurredconspecific - an organism belonging to the same species as another organismcarrier - (genetics) an organism that possesses a recessive gene whose effect is masked by a dominant allele; the associated trait is not apparent but can be passed on to offspringdenizen - a plant or animal naturalized in a region; "denizens of field and forest"; "denizens of the deep"amphidiploid - (genetics) an organism or cell having a diploid set of chromosomes from each parentdiploid - (genetics) an organism or cell having the normal amount of DNA per cell; i.e., two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid numberhaploid - (genetics) an organism or cell having only one complete set of chromosomesheteroploid - (genetics) an organism or cell having a chromosome number that is not an even multiple of the haploid chromosome number for that speciespolyploid - (genetics) an organism or cell having more than twice the haploid number of chromosomesanimalcule, animalculum - microscopic organism such as an amoeba or parameciummicroorganism, micro-organism - any organism of microscopic sizeaerobe - an organism (especially a bacterium) that requires air or free oxygen for lifeanaerobe - an organism (especially a bacterium) that does not require air or free oxygen to livecrossbreed, hybrid, cross - (genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species; "a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey"polymorph - an organism that can assume more than one adult form as in the castes of ants or termitescongenator, congeneric, relative, congener - an animal or plant that bears a relationship to another (as related by common descent or by membership in the same genus)plankton - the aggregate of small plant and animal organisms that float or drift in great numbers in fresh or salt waternekton - the aggregate of actively swimming animals in a body of water ranging from microscopic organisms to whalesparasite - an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant); it obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the hosthost - an animal or plant that nourishes and supports a parasite; it does not benefit and is often harmed by the associationcommensal - either of two different animal or plant species living in close association but not interdependentmyrmecophile - an organism such as an insect that habitually shares the nest of a species of anteucaryote, eukaryote - an organism with cells characteristic of all life forms except primitive microorganisms such as bacteria; i.e. an organism with `good' or membrane-bound nuclei in its cellsprocaryote, prokaryote - a unicellular organism having cells lacking membrane-bound nuclei; bacteria are the prime example but also included are blue-green algae and actinomycetes and mycoplasmazooid - one of the distinct individuals forming a colonial animal such as a bryozoan or hydrozoanbody part - any part of an organism such as an organ or extremitytissue - part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and functionfertilized ovum, zygote - (genetics) the diploid cell resulting from the union of a haploid spermatozoon and ovum (including the organism that develops from that cell)parthenote - a cell resulting from parthenogenesisorganic chemistry - the chemistry of compounds containing carbon (originally defined as the chemistry of substances produced by living organisms but now extended to substances synthesized artificially)clon, clone - a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived from a single cell or individual by some kind of asexual reproduction
2.organism - a system considered analogous in structure or function to a living body; "the social organism"system, scheme - a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole; "a vast system of production and distribution and consumption keep the country going"


noun creature, being, thing, body, animal, structure, beast, entity, living thing, critter (U.S. dialect) Not all chemicals present in living organisms are harmless.


(ˈoːgənizəm) noun a usually small living animal or plant. A pond is full of organisms. 有機體 有机体





any living biological entity, such as an animal, plant, fungus, or bacterium



any living being.

Unicellular and multicellular organisms are distinguished from nonliving matter by several basic vital properties: cellular organization (seeCELL); metabolism, by which proteins and nucleic acids regenerate the organism and maintain a constant internal environment (see, HOMEOSTASIS); movement in all its specific forms—muscular, cytoplasmic, ciliary, and flagellar (seeMOVEMENT); excitability; growth and development; reproduction; variability and heredity (seeVARIATION); and adaptability (seeADAPTATION). Prokaryotes are organisms that lack chromosomes and a typical cell nucleus; examples are bacteria, blue-green algae, Rickettsia, and members of the order Mycoplasmatales. Prokaryotes are simpler in structure and smaller in size than the smallest cellular organisms; for example, the diameter of an animal cell is more than 3 microns (μ), while that of a bacterial cell is usually less than 3 μ. One of the smallest bacteria consists of a total of 5 × 107 atoms once its water is removed.

In its interaction with the environment, an organism is coordinated on the cytoplasmic, cellular, tissular, organic, and organismic levels so as to act as a unified system. The formation of a complete organism in phylogeny consists in the differentiation and integration of cells, tissues, organs, and functions (seeDIFFERENTIATION, INTEGRATION). In unicellular organisms vital functions are effected by special organelles. Over the course of evolution, the development of multicellularity permitted the progressive morphophysiological complexification and differentiation of organisms. This complexification and differentiation is made possible by the structural and functional coordination of cells, tissues, and organs, which is achieved through nervous and humoral means.

The interdependence of organs over the course of animal evolution was comprehensively studied by A. N. Severtsov and students of his school. The phylogenetic aspects of the evolution and differentiation of tissues that arose from cells with common structures, functions, and developmental courses were studied by A. A. Zavarzin, N. G. Khlopin, and A. V. Rumiantsev and their students. The differentiation and integration of organs and functions were also studied by many other Russian and Soviet scientists, including I. I. Mechnikov, I. P. Pavlov, I. I. Shmal’gauzen, and V. A. Dogel’, as well as by foreign scientists, including E. Haeckel, A. Dohrn, and G. de Beer.

Modern biology, especially genetics, has elucidated the genetic connection between generations of organisms and the connections between phylogeny and ontogeny on every level of organization in an individual organism. (SeeHISTOGENESIS, , , MORPHOGENESIS, PHYLOGENY.)


Shmal’gauzen, I. I. Organizm kak tseloe v individual’nom i istoricheskom razvitii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1938.
Khlopin, N. G. Obshchebiologicheskie i eksperimental’nye osnovy gistologii. Moscow, 1946.
Severtsov, A. N. Morfologicheskie zakonomemosti evoliutsii: Sobr. soch., vol. 5. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
Zavarzin, A. A. Izbr. trudy, vols. 1–4. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950–53.
Shmal’gauzen, I. I. “Integratsiia biologicheskikh sistem i ikh samoreguliatsiia.” Biul. Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytatelei prirody; Otdel biologicheskii, 1961, vol. 66, fasc. 2.
Shmal’gauzen, I. I. Reguliatsiia formoobrazovaniia v individual’nom razvitii. Moscow, 1964.
Amlinskii, I. E. “Nekotorye problemy stanovleniia mnogokletochnosti.” In the collection Struktura i formy materii. Moscow, 1967.
Ryzhkov, V. L. “Mesto individa sredi biologicheskikh sistem.” In the collection Razvitie kontseptsii strukturnykh urovnei v biologii. Moscow, 1972.
De Beer, G. R. Embryos and Ancestors. Oxford, 1958.
Regulation and Control in Living Systems. Edited by H. Kalmus. New York, 1967.



[′ȯr·gə‚niz·əm] (biology) An individual constituted to carry out all life functions.



 [or´gah-nizm] an individual animal or plant.pleuropneumonia-like o's PPLO; originally, a group of filtrable microorganisms similar to Mycoplasma mycoides, the causative agent of pleuropneumonia in cattle, which have been isolated from humans and other animals such as sheep, goats, dogs, rats, mice. They are now classified as bacteria and have been assigned to various species of the genus Mycoplasma.


(ōr'gă-nizm), Any living individual, whether plant or animal, considered as a whole.


(ôr′gə-nĭz′əm)n.1. An individual form of life, such as a bacterium, protist, fungus, plant, or animal, composed of a single cell or a complex of cells in which organelles or organs work together to carry out the various processes of life.2. A system regarded as analogous in its structure or functions to a living body: the social organism.
or′gan·is′mal (-nĭz′məl), or′gan·is′mic (-mĭk) adj.or′gan·is′mi·cal·ly adv.


(ōr'gă-nizm) Any living individual, whether plant or animal, considered as a whole.


Any living animal or plant.


any living thing: animal, plant or microorganism. see CLASSIFICATION.


An individual of some type of life form, such as a plant, an animal, or a microorganism.Mentioned in: Antibiotics, Antihelminthic Drugs, Antimalarial Drugs, Urinary Anti-Infectives, Vaginal Pain


(ōr'gă-nizm) Any living individual, considered as a whole.

Patient discussion about organism

Q. i'm going on an organic diet for fibromyalgia does anyone know if this will help this awful pain A. Couldn't find any research proving that organic diet improves fibromyalgia. On the other hand, couldn't actually find a research that contradict it (or even dealing with it), so no one can give you any established answer for your answer, so it's your decision.
Anyway, remember to consult a professional (e.g. a doctor) before you start any diet or any other intervention.
You may read more here:

Q. Can a Chiropractor tell if your organs are shutting down? A. She told me that because my spine is out of line so much, that it's causing my organs to shut down. I have been having bladder problems. I really think she is just trying to scare me.

Q. I'm looking for natural/organic ways to deal with carpal tunnel syndrome. My Boss has Carpal Tunnel syndrome. I'm looking for some natural remedies to help her ease the pain.A. I have found that MSM (GNC brand) 1500mg per day works for me. I talked to an Orthopedic Surgeon asking him why it works... he said "they really don't know why it works, but it works for many of my patients". When I stop taking my MSM the symptoms return so it is not a cure.
I have tried other brands of MSM and found the GNC brand works the best for me. It takes about 2 weeks to begin to see the results and several more weeks to get the full affect.

More discussions about organism


  • noun

Synonyms for organism

noun creature


  • creature
  • being
  • thing
  • body
  • animal
  • structure
  • beast
  • entity
  • living thing
  • critter

Synonyms for organism

noun a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently


  • being

Related Words

  • animate thing
  • living thing
  • benthos
  • dwarf
  • heterotroph
  • parent
  • cell
  • individual
  • mortal
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • animal
  • animate being
  • beast
  • creature
  • fauna
  • brute
  • plant life
  • flora
  • plant
  • native
  • recombinant
  • conspecific
  • carrier
  • denizen
  • amphidiploid
  • diploid
  • haploid
  • heteroploid
  • polyploid
  • animalcule
  • animalculum
  • microorganism
  • micro-organism
  • aerobe
  • anaerobe
  • crossbreed
  • hybrid
  • cross
  • polymorph
  • congenator
  • congeneric
  • relative
  • congener
  • plankton
  • nekton
  • parasite
  • host
  • commensal
  • myrmecophile
  • eucaryote
  • eukaryote
  • procaryote
  • prokaryote
  • zooid
  • body part
  • tissue
  • fertilized ovum
  • zygote
  • parthenote
  • organic chemistry
  • clon
  • clone
  • stratum
  • atavist
  • throwback
  • mascot
  • mutant
  • mutation
  • sport
  • variation
  • postdiluvian
  • sitter
  • stander
  • utterer
  • vocaliser
  • vocalizer
  • fungus
  • nonvascular organism
  • relict
  • saprophyte
  • saprophytic organism
  • saprobe
  • katharobe
  • metabolic process
  • metabolism
  • morphogenesis
  • cellular
  • actinal

noun a system considered analogous in structure or function to a living body

Related Words

  • system
  • scheme




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