

单词 lbc
释义 DictionarySeecytology



Abbreviation for:
lamellar body count
liquid-based cytology 
load-bearing capacity
lymphoid blast crisis


(si-tol'o-je) [ cyto- + -logy] The science that deals with the formation, structure, and function of cells. cytologiccytological (sit?o-loj'ik) ('i-kal), adjective

exfoliative cytology

Microscopic examination of cells obtained from body excretions, e.g., from the anus or genitourinary tract.

imprint cytology

The study of cellular morphology or of tissue diseases after a clinical specimen, e.g., a bone marrow biopsy, is dabbed on a microscope slide. It is used in some settings as an adjunct or alternative to fine needle aspiration biopsy, frozen sectioning, and other pathological techniques.

liquid-based cytology

Abbreviation: LBC
A means of performing a Papanicolaou test (Pap test) in which the head of the plastic spatula used to obtain cells from the endocervix is inserted directly into a vial containing a fluid cellular preservative. The vial is spun in the laboratory, and a pellet of pure cells is obtained. This cellular layer is then deposited on a microscope slide and examined for evidence of cellular atypia or frank cancer. The liquid-based cytology differs from traditional cervical cytology in that the contents of the spatula are not smeared directly onto a microscope slide. This reduces the number of specimens received by the laboratory that are unable to be interpreted pathologically.

sputum cytology

The examination of cells obtained from mucus in the upper or lower respiratory tract to see if cancer cells are present. See: sputum specimen.

liquid-based cytology

Abbreviation: LBC
A means of performing a Papanicolaou test (Pap test) in which the head of the plastic spatula used to obtain cells from the endocervix is inserted directly into a vial containing a fluid cellular preservative. The vial is spun in the laboratory, and a pellet of pure cells is obtained. This cellular layer is then deposited on a microscope slide and examined for evidence of cellular atypia or frank cancer. The liquid-based cytology differs from traditional cervical cytology in that the contents of the spatula are not smeared directly onto a microscope slide. This reduces the number of specimens received by the laboratory that are unable to be interpreted pathologically. See also: cytology


LBCLondon's Biggest Conversation (radio station)
LBCLiving Building Challenge (various locations)
LBCLes Baer Custom (weapons; Iowa)
LBCLong Beach California
LBCLiquid Based Cervical (oncology)
LBCLarge Binocular Camera
LBCLuton Borough Council
LBCLocal Business Center
LBCLow Bitrate Codec
LBCLebanese Broadcasting Corporation
LBCLong Beach City
LBCLawn Bowling Club (various locations)
LBCLiquid Based Cytology
LBCLobular Breast Cancer (oncology)
LBCListed Building Consent (UK Planning System)
LBCLancaster Bible College (Pennsylvania)
LBCLouisiana Baptist Convention (Alexandria, LA)
LBCLegally Binding Contract (legal document)
LBCLyman Briggs College (Michigan State University)
LBCLeft-Behind Children
LBCLegislative Black Caucus (various locations)
LBCLong Bay College (New Zealand)
LBCLondon Borough of Camden (UK)
LBCAlbanian Airlines (ICAO code)
LBCLegislative Budget Commission (Florida)
LBCLondon Buddhist Centre
LBCLiberty Baptist Church (Las Vegas, Nevada)
LBCLondon Broadcasting Company
LBCLeidse Biologen Club (Dutch: Leiden Biologists Club)
LBCLittle British Car
LBCLampe Basse Consommation (French: Energy Saving Lamps)
LBCLow Blood Count
LBCLittle Black Creek (water park; Mississippi)
LBCLocation-Based Computing (distributed mobile computing)
LBCLadies Bible Class
LBCLung Biology Center (University of California, San Francisco)
LBCLiving Building Concept (Netherlands)
LBCLaurentian Bank of Canada
LBCLavin-Bernick Center (Tulane University, New Orleans, LA)
LBCLogica Business Consulting (various locations)
LBCLonsdale Boys Club (band)
LBCLiberty Bell Center (Independence National Historical Park; Philadelphia, PA)
LBCLegally Binding Commitment (various locations)
LBCLuther Burbank Center for the Arts (California)
LBCLaSalle Bank Corporation (Chicago, IL)
LBCLancaster Baptist Church (Lancaster, CA)
LBCLocal Bus Controller
LBCLondon Brick Company
LBCLateral Boundary Condition
LBCLouisville Bicycle Club (Louisville, KY)
LBCLegion of Black Collegians
LBCLaser Beam Cutting
LBCLillington Baptist Church (North Carolina)
LBCLandover Baptist Church (parody church/website)
LBCLaSalle Business Credit (LaSalle Bank Corporation)
LBCLarge Business Concern (vendor classification)
LBCLiberty Baptist College (now Liberty University)
LBCLoreto Bay Company (Mexico)
LBCLakeside Bible Camp
LBCLong Beach Crew (band)
LBCLaser Beam Ceilometer
LBCLong Beach County
LBCLucky Boy's Confusion (band)
LBCLuzon Brokerage Corporation (messenger service, Philippines)
LBCLast Best Chance
LBCLinear Block Code
LBCLow Bit-Rate Coder
LBCLincoln Bicycle Company
LBCLow Breaking Capacity
LBCLubbock Bicycle Club (Lubbock, TX)
LBCLaunch Base Complex
LBCLos Bastardos Crew (Bulgarian graffitti group)
LBCLinked Boundary Conditions
LBCLawrence Bible Chapel
LBCLawrence Beach Club (Long Island, New York)
LBCLocal Boundary Condition
LBCLinear Binary Code
LBCLangedijker Bridge Club (Netherlands)
LBCLeforest Badminton Club (Leforest, France)
LBCLymphoid Blastic Crisis
LBCLittle Bacon Cheeseburger (Five Guys Burgers and Fries)
LBCLower Bounding of A (Arbitrary) Code
LBCLawrence Barn Committee (Hollis, NH)




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