make a bundle

make a bundle

To make a very large amount of money, especially by doing something very successfully. We'll make a bundle if we can manage to secure a trading partner in China. I hear Sarah is making a bundle with sales from her latest novel.See also: bundle, make

make a bundle

 and make a pileto make a lot of money. John really made a bundle on that deal. I'd like to make a pile and retire.See also: bundle, make

make a bundle

Also, make a pile. Make a great deal of money, as in When the market went up they made a bundle, or He made a pile from that department store. The first term, dating from about 1900, comes from the somewhat earlier use of bundle for a roll of banknotes. The variant, alluding to a heap of money, was first recorded in 1864. See also: bundle, make

make a bundle

and make a pile tv. to make a lot of money. (see also bundle.) She made a bundle on a website investment. I want to buy a few stocks and make a pile in a few years. See also: bundle, make