Acronym | Definition |
LBG➣London Benchmarking Group (UK) |
LBG➣Le Bourget Airport (Paris, France) |
LBG➣Lloyds Banking Group (UK) |
LBG➣Label Generator |
LBG➣Locust Bean Gum |
LBG➣Land Based Game (sportfishing) |
LBG➣Local BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) Group |
LBG➣Louis Berger Group, Inc. |
LBG➣London Bridge |
LBG➣Lyman break galaxy |
LBG➣Little Brown Girl (publilsher) |
LBG➣Lehmann Gross Bahn (model train manufacturer) |
LBG➣Learning by Grace (homeschooling; Philadelphia, PA) |
LBG➣Linde, Buzo, and Gray (vector quantization method) |
LBG➣Left Behind Games (Nevada and California) |
LBG➣Long Beach Grunions (US Masters Swim Team) |
LBG➣Leg Break Googly (cricket) |
LBG➣London Borough Grants (UK) |
LBG➣Low BTU Gas |
LBG➣Liquefied Bio Gas |
LBG➣Lioness Business Group (Charlotte, NC) |