necrotising enterocolitis

necrotising enterocolitis

A disease of premature infants (incidence is inversely proportional to gestational age) affecting the terminal ileum 3–10 days after birth, which comprises about 2% of neonatal ICU admissions and 10% of admissions of premature infants or low-birth-weight neonates. Necrotising enterocolitis affects 10% of infants weighing < 1500g; up to 60% need surgery.
Clinical findings
Banal to fulminant disease with abdominal distension, vomiting, rectal bleeding, intestinal gangrene, perforation, sepsis and shock.
Pneumatosis intestinalis.
NEC is rare in breast-fed children, who may be protected by IgA in maternal milk; oral IgA-IgG solution in LBW infants may be protective.