

单词 necrotizing fasciitis

necrotizing fasciitis

necrotizing fasciitis

n. Severe, rapidly progressing infection of subcutaneous tissues by streptococci and other bacteria, marked by tissue necrosis and by pain, swelling, and heat in the affected area, usually following an injury or a surgical procedure.

necrotizing fasciitis

necrotizing fasciitis,

a quickly progressing infection of the skin that spreads along the fascia, the tissue that covers the muscles. (Necrotizing infections that spread along the outer skin layers are known as necrotizing cellulitis.) Necrotizing fasciitis is most commonly caused by toxins released by a strain of Group A streptococcal bacteria (S. pyrogenes; see streptococcusstreptococcus
, any of a group of gram-positive bacteria, genus Streptococcus, some of which cause disease. Streptococci are spherical and divide by fission, but they remain attached and so grow in beadlike chains.
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), but it also may be caused by Staphylococcus aureus (see staphylococcusstaphylococcus
, any of the pathogenic bacteria, parasitic to humans, that belong to the genus Staphylococcus. The spherical bacterial cells (cocci) typically occur in irregular clusters [Gr. staphyle=bunch of grapes].
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); other bacteria may also be present.

Popularly known as "flesh-eating disease," the infection typically begins as a warm, very painful red swelling, sometimes at the site of a minor injury. Patients usually have a high fever and may feel ill, dizzy, and confused; the infection spreads rapidly, and tissue in older infected areas turns purplish or black as it dies. Necrotizing fasciitis is treated with surgery (to remove infected tissue) and intravenous antibiotics (high-dose penicillin and clindamycin). If not treated promptly, the toxins produced by the bacteria can cause septic shock and lead to death within 24 hours; roughly 30% of infected patients die.

necrotizing fasciitis


 [fas″e-i´tis] inflammation of a fascia.necrotizing fasciitis a fulminating group A streptococcal infection beginning with severe or extensive cellulitis that spreads to involve the superficial and deep fascia, producing thrombosis of the subcutaneous vessels and gangrene of the underlying tissues. A cutaneous lesion usually serves as a portal of entry for the infection, but sometimes no such lesion is found.nodular fasciitis (proliferative fasciitis) a benign, reactive proliferation of fibroblasts in the subcutaneous tissues and commonly associated with the deep fascia.pseudosarcomatous fasciitis a benign soft tissue tumor occurring subcutaneously and sometimes arising from deep muscle and fascia.

nec·ro·tiz·ing fas·ci·i·tis

a rare soft-tissue infection primarily involving the superficial fascia and resulting in extensive undermining of surrounding tissues; progress is often fulminant and may involve all soft-tissue components, including the skin; usually occurs postoperatively, after minor trauma, or after inadequate care of abscesses or cutaneous ulcers.
See also: group A streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis.

necrotizing fasciitis

n. Severe, rapidly progressing infection of subcutaneous tissues by streptococci and other bacteria, marked by tissue necrosis and by pain, swelling, and heat in the affected area, usually following an injury or a surgical procedure.

necrotizing fasciitis

Necrotizing subcutaneous infection Infectious disease A rapidly progressive bacterial infection that spreads along fascial planes which, absent effective therapy–eg, debridement, results in skin breakdown with bleb and bulla formation, small vessel thrombosis and 2º necrosis, leading to subcutaneous anesthesia Agents Streptococci, gram-negative and mixed bacteria

necrotizing fasciitis

An uncommon but severe form of tissue damage caused by a streptococcus of Group A. There is widespread inflammation of the layer of fatty tissue under the skin and the effect is so intense that the tissue appears, in places, almost to be ‘eaten away’. The condition features severe pain, marked general upset and intense redness of the overlying skin. Surgical exploration shows grey, swollen fat that can be stripped out easily with the finger. Surgical shock and failure of various organs, such as the kidneys, may occur and the outcome, in inadequately managed or late treated cases is often fatal. Treatment is by massive doses of antibiotics, early radical surgery to remove infected tissue and exposure to high oxygen concentrations in a special chamber (see HYPERBARIC OXYGEN TREATMENT). Inadequate treatment results in a mortality of 30 to 60 per cent.

Necrotizing fasciitis

A destructive infection which follows severe cellulitis and involves the deep skin and underlying tissues.Mentioned in: Cellulitis




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