necrotizing sialometaplasia

nec·ro·tiz·ing si·a·lo·met·a·pla·si·a

squamous cell metaplasia of the salivary gland ducts and lobules, with necrosis of the salivary gland lobules; seen most frequently in the hard palate.

necrotizing sialometaplasia

Oral pathology A benign self-limited reactive salivary gland inflammation, which may clinically and histologically mimic malignancy–eg, mucoepidermoid carcinoma; most occur in minor salivary glands–SG; it may occur in SGs of the upper aerodigestive tract, or larynx DiffDx Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, SCC

necrotizing sialometaplasia

(sī″ă-lō-met″ă-plā′zh(ē-)ă) [ sialo- + metaplasia] An ulcerative oral lesion usually found on the palate, caused by inflammation of the salivary glands. It may simulate an oral malignancy.

nec·ro·tiz·ing si·a·lo·met·a·pla·si·a

(nekrō-tīz-ing sīă-lō-met-ă-plāzē-ă) Squamous cell metaplasia of the salivary gland ducts and lobules; seen most frequently in the hard palate. [G. sialon, saliva, + metaplasia]