mylohyoid (muscle)

my·lo·hy·oid (mus·cle)

[TA] muscle of floor of mouth; origin, mylohyoid line of mandible; insertion, upper border of hyoid bone and raphe separating muscle from its fellow; action, elevates floor of mouth and the tongue, depresses jaw when hyoid is fixed; nerve supply, nerve to mylohyoid from mandibular division of trigeminal. Synonym(s): musculus mylohyoideus [TA], diaphragm of mouth, diaphragma oris, mylohyoideus

my·lo·hy·oid (mus·cle)

(mī'lō-hī'oyd mŭs'ĕl) [TA] Muscle of floor of mouth; origin, mylohyoid line of mandible; insertion, upper border of hyoid bone and raphe separating muscle from its fellow; action, elevates floor of mouth and the tongue, depresses jaw when hyoid is fixed; nerve supply, nerve to mylohyoid from mandibular division of trigeminal.
Synonym(s): diaphragm of mouth, musculus hyoideus [TA] .