(The Week), a weekly literary and political newspaper published in St. Petersburg from 1866 to 1901. It was founded on the initiative of the minister of internal affairs, P. A. Valuev, to combat the influence of the democratic press; it ceased publication within 11 months for want of subscribers and passed into the hands of Otechestvennye zapiski (The Fatherland Notes) and Delo (Affairs), becoming one of the progressive voices within the press. In 1868–69, Nedelia (de facto editor in chief N. S. Kurochkin, then E. I. Konradi) published the essays Just to Kill the Boredom by A. I. Herzen and Historical Letters by P. L. Lavrov. Between 1870 and 1874 it was published under the joint editorship of P. A. Gaideburov, Konradi, Iu. A. Rossel’, and E. I. Ragozin. From the second half of the 1870’s (after December 1874, Gaideburov became the sole editor), the leading contributors were the Narodnik (Populist) publicists P. P. Chervinskii and I. I. Kablits.
Nedelia was subjected to censorial persecution; from 1868 to 1879 it received 14 warnings, and it was shut down four times (in 1869, 1871, 1876, and 1879 for a total of 18 months) for its “injurious views.”
In the 1880’s and 1890’s, Nedelia was considerably more conservative, becoming an organ of the liberal Narodniks. The paper’s leading publicists advocated “quiet cultural work” (Ia. V. Abramov and his Small Deeds Theory) and “simplicity” (M. O. Men’shikov). Beginning in 1878, a monthly literary journal was published as a supplement to Nedelia, first under the title Zhurnal romanov i povestei (Journal of Novels and Novellas), and from 1884 as Knizhki “Nedeli” (Books of The Week). L. N. Tolstoy, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. S. Leskov, and G. I. Uspenskii were among the supplement’s contributors.
Gaideburov, P. A. “Iz proshlogo ‘Nedeli’.” Knizhki ‘Nedeli’, 1893, nos. 1–3.Istoriia russkoi zhurnalistiki XVIII-XIX vv., 3rd ed. Moscow, 1973.
Esin, B. I. Russkaia zhurnalistika 70–80-kh gg. XIX v. Moscow, 1963.
Sistematicheskii ukazatel’k stat’iam “Nedeli” i “Knizhek ‘Nedeli’” za 25-letie, 1868–1892. St. Petersburg, 1893.