micrognathia with peromelia

mi·cro·gna·thi·a with pe·ro·me·li·a

hypoplasia of the mandible with malformed and missing teeth, birdlike face, and severe deformities of the hands and forearms and sometimes of feet and legs. Synonym(s): Hanhart syndrome


Ernst, Swiss internist and geneticist, 1891-1973. Hanhart syndrome - hypoplasia of the mandible with malformed and missing teeth, birdlike face, and severe deformities of the hands and forearms and sometimes of feet and legs. Synonym(s): micrognathia with peromeliaRichner-Hanhart syndrome - see under Richner

mi·cro·gna·thi·a with pe·ro·me·li·a

(mīkrog-nathē-ă per-o-mē-lē-ă) Hypoplasia of mandible with malformed and missing teeth, birdlike face, and severe deformities of the hands, forearms, feet, legs.