Abdullah Sabir

Abdullah Sabir


(pseudonym of Sabirdzhan Abdullaev). Born Sept. 5 (18), 1905, in Kokand. Uzbek Soviet writer; Honored Art Worker of the Uzbek SSR (1944). People’s Poet of the Uzbek SSR (1965). Member of the CPSU since 1945.

Sabir was born into an office worker’s family. He worked for the newspaper Yangi Fergana (New Fergana) and others. His first verse collection appeared in 1929. He is the author of verse and short story collections describing the labor exploits of Soviet people: Spring (1931), Ecstasy (1933), Friendship (1937), Gul’shän (1939), and Songs of Life (1962). He also wrote the novel Mavlana Mukimi (1965) and such popular dramas as The Gardener’s Daughter (1930) and Äykhan (1935) on themes of labor; Kurbän Umarav (1941); and the musical dramas Takhir and Zukhra (1943), Mukimi (1954), and Alpamysh (1959).


Häyat gulshäni. Tashkent, 1959.
Häyat qushiqläri. Tashkent, 1962.
Mävlana Muqimiy. Tashkent, 1965.
In Russian translation:
Lirika, sätira, iumor, stikhi. Tashkent, 1958.


Mukimov, S. Sabir Abdulla. Tashkent, 1965.