

单词 nationality



N0027800 (năsh′ə-năl′ĭ-tē, năsh-năl′-)n. pl. na·tion·al·i·ties 1. The status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth, or naturalization.2. A people having common origins or traditions and often constituting a nation.3. Existence as a politically autonomous entity; national independence.4. National character.5. Nationalism.


(ˌnæʃəˈnælɪtɪ) n, pl -ties1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the state or fact of being a citizen of a particular nation2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a body of people sharing common descent, history, language, etc; a nation3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a national group: 30 different nationalities are found in this city. 4. national character or quality5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the state or fact of being a nation; national status


(ˌnæʃ əˈnæl ɪ ti)

n., pl. -ties for 1,2,5,6. 1. the status of belonging to a particular nation, whether by birth or naturalization. 2. nationalism. 3. existence as a distinct nation. 4. a nation or people. 5. national quality or character. [1685–95]


You use nationality to say what country someone legally belongs to. For example, you say that someone 'has Belgian nationality'.

He's got British nationality.They have the right to claim Hungarian nationality.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'nationality' to talk about things. Don't say, for example, that something 'has Swedish nationality'. You say that it comes from Sweden or was made in Sweden.

The best vanilla comes from Mexico.All of the trucks that Ford sold in Europe were made in Britain.


The country or nation to which a person belongs through birth or naturalization.
Noun1.nationality - people having common origins or traditions and often comprising a nation; "immigrants of the same nationality often seek each other out"; "such images define their sense of nationality"people - (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively; "old people"; "there were at least 200 people in the audience"
2.nationality - the status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalizationnationality - the status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalizationstatus, position - the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic"; "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life"


noun1. citizenship, birth When asked his nationality, he said, `British'.2. race, nation, tribe, clan, ethnic group the many nationalities that comprise Ethopia


(ˈneiʃən) noun1. a group of people living in a particular country, forming a single political and economic unit. 國家 国家2. a large number of people who share the same history, ancestors, culture etc (whether or not they all live in the same country). the Jewish nation. 民族 民族national (ˈnӕʃənəl) adjective of or belonging to a particular nation. national government; national pride. 國家的 国家的ˈnationally adverb 全國 全国性地ˈnationalism (ˈnӕ-) noun1. a sense of pride in the history, culture, achievements etc of one's nation. 國家主義,愛國心 国家主义,爱国心 2. the desire to bring the people of one's nation together under their own government. 民族主義 民族主义ˈnationalist (ˈnӕ-) noun 民族主義者,國家主義者 民族主义者,国家主义者 ˌnationaˈlistic adjective 民族主義的,國家主義的 民族主义的,国家主义的 nationality (nӕʃəˈnӕləti) plural natioˈnalities noun (the state of belonging to) a particular nation. `What nationality are you?' `I'm German'; You can see (people of) many nationalities in London. 國籍 国籍ˈnationalize, ˈnationalise (ˈnӕ-) verb to make (especially an industry) the property of the nation as a whole rather than the property of an individual. 國有化 使国有化ˌnationaliˈzation, ˌnationaliˈsation noun 國有化 国有化national anthem a nation's official song or hymn. 國歌 国歌national service in some countries, a period of compulsory service in the armed forces. 義務兵役 义务兵役制ˌnation-ˈwide adjective, adverb (happening etc) throughout the whole nation. a nation-wide broadcast; They travelled nation-wide. 遍及全國的 全国性的





in political theory, the quality of belonging to a nation, in the sense of a group united by various strong ties. Among the usual ties are membership in the same general community, common customs, culture, tradition, history, and language. While no one of these factors is essential, some must be present for cohesion to be strong enough to justify the term nationality. Used in this sense, nationality does not necessarily denote membership within a specific political state. There are many examples of nations divided between several states and of states composed of several nations and parts of nations. Thus not all Albanians live in Albania, and, on the other hand, Switzerland has citizens whose native languages are German, French, Italian, and Romansh. In political theory the belief that a state should be identical with a nation is called the "principle of nationalities," or, more commonly, "self-determination." This view is a typical expression of nationalismnationalism,
political or social philosophy in which the welfare of the nation-state as an entity is considered paramount. Nationalism is basically a collective state of mind or consciousness in which people believe their primary duty and loyalty is to the nation-state.
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; it was advanced partly as a means of solving the problem of the national minorityminority,
in international law, population group with a characteristic culture and sense of identity occupying a subordinate political status. Religious minorities were known from ancient times, but ethnic minorities did not become an issue in European politics until the rise of
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 after World War I. Nationality in its specific legal sense is a very different concept; it is attachment to a state by a tie of allegiance. Nationals in this sense are fundamentally distinguished from aliens (see alienalien,
in law, any person residing in one political community while owing allegiance to another. A procedure known as naturalization permits aliens to become citizens.

Each nation establishes conditions upon which aliens will be admitted, and makes laws concerning them.
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) and in most, but not all, countries are identical with citizenscitizen,
member of a state, native or naturalized, who owes allegiance to the government of the state and is entitled to certain rights. Citizens may be said to enjoy the most privileged form of nationality; they are at the furthest extreme from nonnational residents of a state
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. Nationality gives the state the right to impose certain duties, especially military service. Some states will punish their nationals for crimes wherever committed; the United States, however, punishes only those crimes, except treason, that are committed within American territorial jurisdiction. States may tax the income and other assets of their nationals regardless of whether they reside abroad. The national owes duties to his government but is also entitled to diplomatic protection when in a foreign country. Such protection includes the assistance of consular officials when the national is accused of crime and the offering of refuge in emergencies. In many instances certain persons, particularly those who have undergone naturalizationnaturalization,
official act by which a person is made a national of a country other than his or her native one. In some countries naturalized persons do not necessarily become citizens but may merely acquire a new nationality.
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, will be regarded as nationals by two states at once. Such problems of dual nationality have been a frequent cause of international diplomatic disputes.


See P. Weis, Nationality and Statelessness in International Law (1956); B. Akzin, States and Nations (1966); C. Joseph, Nationality and Diplomatic Protection (1969).



(narodnost’), a historically formed linguistic, territorial, economic, and cultural community of people that precedes the formation of a nation.

A nationality emerges as tribal alliances are consolidated, and is expressed in the gradual blending of tribes and the substitution of territorial bonds for ties of kinship. The earliest nationalities were formed during the slaveholding period; among these were the ancient Egyptians and Hellenes. In Europe the formation of nationalities was basically completed in the feudal period; examples include the old (Kievan) Russians, Poles, and French. In other parts of the world, this process continued into still later historical periods.

Nationalities were ordinarily formed from several tribes of close common origin and language, as the Poles developed from such Slavic tribes as the Polanians, Vistulans, and Mazovians. Tribes with different languages that became intermingled as the result of conquest could also give rise to a single nationality, as the French developed from Gallic tribes, Roman colonists, and German tribes that included the Franks, Visigoths, and Burgundians. As ties among the ethnically separate elements of an emerging nationality grow stronger, the language of one of them, often the most numerous or best developed one, becomes the common language of the nationality. The remaining tribal languages are reduced to dialects and sometimes disappear entirely. A territorial, cultural, and economic community is formed under a common name. The establishment of a state may aid the consolidation of a nationality, but in the process of historical development, nationality need not coincide with the state either territorially or linguistically.

As capitalist relations develop and as economic and cultural ties are strengthened, the nationality is transformed into a nation. Nationalities that were divided by state boundaries may provide the basis of several national formations, as has been the case with the Portuguese and Galicians and with the Germans and Luxembourgers. The old Russian nationality became the common root of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Byelorussian nationalities, each of which subsequently became a nation. No less frequently, several nationalities have come to constitute a single nation. In the USSR, nationalities such as the Turkmen and Kirghiz have become nations while bypassing the capitalist stage of development. Many nationalities, particularly smaller ones, fall behind in their development for a number of reasons and do not emerge as nations. With time, they form close bonds with more developed nationalities and nations whose culture and language they assimilate, and gradually they merge with them.

The collapse of the colonial system of imperialism and the achievement of independence by many countries of Asia and Africa have accelerated the processes of ethnic consolidation and the growth of national self-awareness. New nationalities and nations are being formed from tribal-territorial ethnic groups in these countries.


Engels, F. Proiskhozhdeniesem’i, chastnoi sobstvennosti i gosudarstva. K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch.. 2nd ed., vol. 21.
Lenin, V. I. “Chto takoe ’druz’ia naroda’ i kak oni voiuiut protiv sotsialdemokratov?” Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 1.
Alekseev, V. Rod, plemia, narodnost’. natsiia. Moscow, 1962.
Chislennost’ i rasselenie narodov mira. Edited by S. I. Bruk. Moscow,
Kozlov, V. I. Dinamika chislennosti narodov. Moscow, 1969.



Related to nationality: Dual nationality


the legal relationship between a person and a state. Since the British Nationality Act 1981, it is no longer possible to acquire British citizenship by reason only of being born in the UK. Since 1 January 1983, a child will become a British citizen if one of its parents is a British citizen or is settled in the UK.

NATIONALITY. The state of a person in relation to the nation in which he was born.
2. A man retains his nationality of origin during his minority, but, as in the case of his domicil of origin, he may change his nationality upon attaining full age; he cannot, however, renounce his allegiance without permission of the government. See Citizen; Domicil; Expatriation; Naturalization; Foelix, Du Dr. Intern. prive, n. 26; 8 Cranch, 263; 8 Cranch, 253; Chit. Law of Nat. 31 2 Gall. 485; 1 Gall. 545.



Related to nationality: Dual nationality
  • noun

Synonyms for nationality

noun citizenship


  • citizenship
  • birth

noun race


  • race
  • nation
  • tribe
  • clan
  • ethnic group

Words related to nationality

noun people having common origins or traditions and often comprising a nation

Related Words

  • people

noun the status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalization

Related Words

  • status
  • position




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