Nationalization of the Land

Nationalization of the Land


the elimination of private ownership of land and the transfer of the land to state ownership. Bourgeois nationalization of the land was one of the conditions for the transition from the feudal to the capitalist form of land ownership.

The first demand for the nationalization of the land as a part of the socialist revolution was made by Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto. The expropriation of privately owned land and the conversion of land rent to cover state expenditures are referred to in the manifesto as some of the transitional measures whose implementation in the most highly developed countries would facilitate a revolution in the general mode of production. Developing Marxist theory on the agrarian question in the context of the concrete historical conditions in Russia, V. I. Lenin worked out the question of the nationalization of the land, which became a very important part of the First Program of the RSDLP.

In the USSR all land was nationalized as a result of the Great October Socialist Revolution. All the land was nationalized in the Mongolian People’s Republic, but in many of the socialist countries the state nationalized only some of the land. Partial nationalization of the land is an important part of the economic policy of some of the developing countries, including Burma and Algeria.