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DictionarySeeperformanceoccupational performance
performance [per-form´ans] action taken to fulfill a task.performance components formerly, in occupational therapy" >occupational therapy, aspects of functional ability required for performance" >occupational performance; they were grouped into sensorimotor, cognitive, and psychological subcategories.ineffective role performance a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as patterns of behavior and self-expression that do not match the environmental context, norms, and expectations; this may be a change in self-perception or perception by someone else, a denial of role, a conflict between roles, a change in capacity to perform a role, or some other change.occupational performance in occupational therapy" >occupational therapy, performance of all the activities that make up the individual's lifestyle; see also performance components.role performance the fulfilling of an expected pattern of behavior.oc·cu·pa·tion·al per·for·mance (ok'yū-pā'shŭn-ăl pĕr-fōr'măns) Broadly, engagement in purposeful activity; such behavior has an organizing and integrating effect on psychological and social functioning; it is employed in occupational therapy to restore or maintain interest and self-confidence, overcome disability, or combat various features of physical or mental illness. occupational performanceIn occupational therapy, a person's ability to perform the required activities, tasks, and roles of living. FinancialSeePerformance |