bag-of-worms appearance

bag-of-worms appearance

A lesion or density that has a multi-vermiform pattern, or one in which the activity is likened to a quivering mass of live elongated organisms.
An uncommon descriptive term for the appearance of Menetrier’s disease, in which the stomach is soft, smooth and enlarged and the mucosa has large, swollen, inelastic, worm-like rugal folds separated by deep valleys.
Imaging, Cerebral angiography
The appearance of arteriovenous malformations in which there is little interposed cerebral tissue, a finding which may be mimicked by intracranial tumours, although the irregular and bizarre vessels may be separated by a mass.
Asynchronous, involuntary quivering and squirming of multiple skeletal muscle fascicles of the tongue, which disappear during sleep and may be suppressed with rest, sedation or volition; classically seen in Sydenham’s chorea.
The quasi-pathognomonic appearance of a plexiform neurofibroma in von Recklinghausen’s disease, where a major nerve trunk is transformed into a redundant, convoluted, serpentine mass of neoplastic nerves.
The tactile sensation of a varicocele lying within the scrotum.