Bagriana, Elisaveta

Bagriana, Elisaveta


(pseudonym of E. Belcheva). Born Apr. 29, 1893, in Sofia. Bulgarian poet. People’s Cultural Worker (1963).

In her collections of lyric poems The Eternal and Holy (1927), Sailor’s Star (1932), and The Human Heart (1936), Bagriana created the figure of the Bulgarian woman dreaming of liberty and happiness and affirming the power of love. After 1944 the humanistic pathos and realistic concreteness in her poems were enriched by ideas of socialist patriotism. In the collection Five Stars (1953) and From Shore to Shore (1963) an optimistic perception of the new reality is combined with meditations on the fate of the modern world and mankind. Bagriana has translated Russian classical and Soviet poetry. She won the Dimitrov Prize in 1950.


Izbrani stikhotvoreniia. Sofia, 1968.
In Russian translation:
Serdtse chelovecheskoe.(Poems.) Moscow, 1959.


Zlydnev, V. I. “Elisaveta Bagriana.” In Ocherki istorii bolgarskoi literatury XIX-XX vv. Moscow, 1959.