Acronym | Definition |
LDD➣Lijst Dedecker (Political party, Vlaanderen, Belgium) |
LDD➣Lewis Dot Diagram (atoms) |
LDD➣Living Dead Dolls |
LDD➣Lens Data Display |
LDD➣Language Data Definition |
LDD➣Logical Dos Drive |
LDD➣Load and Decrement |
LDD➣Logical Device Driver |
LDD➣Laser Diode Drive |
LDD➣Linear Delay Distortion |
LDD➣LEGO Digital Designer |
LDD➣Legal Due Diligence |
LDD➣Large Diameter Drilling (UK) |
LDD➣Land Development Desktop (Autodesk AutoCAD) |
LDD➣Loving Domestic Discipline |
LDD➣Langage de Description de Données (French: Data Description Language) |
LDD➣Learning Difficulties and Disabilities |
LDD➣Land Development Division (various locations) |
LDD➣Limited Distribution Drugs (medication protocol) |
LDD➣Light Duty Detergent |
LDD➣Laser Diode Driver |
LDD➣Local Development Document |
LDD➣Linux Device Driver |
LDD➣Least Detectable Dose |
LDD➣Luminaire Dirt Depreciation |
LDD➣Lightly Doped Drain |
LDD➣Low Dose Dexamethasone (drug) |
LDD➣Lhermitte-Duclos Disease |
LDD➣Lotus Developer Domain |
LDD➣Light-Duty Diesel |
LDD➣Long-Distance Dad |
LDD➣Logical Document Determination (legal) |
LDD➣Loss, Damage, or Destruction |
LDD➣Long-Distance Dads (various organizations) |
LDD➣Logical Data Dictionary |
LDD➣Lexmark Document Distributor |
LDD➣Legion of Dynamic Discord |
LDD➣Latency Driven Distribution |
LDD➣Les Développements Durables (Bayonne, Pays Basque) |
LDD➣Little Deluded Dupes |
LDD➣Long Distance Dependency |
LDD➣Large Digit Display (electronics) |
LDD➣Linear Decorrelating Detector |
LDD➣Low-Delay Data |
LDD➣Liquid Dish Detergent |
LDD➣Lunar Dust Detector |
LDD➣Long Distance Division (Sprint) |
LDD➣Livestock Development Department |
LDD➣Leeson Digital Designs |
LDD➣Laser Designator Detector |
LDD➣Logic Design Data |
LDD➣Letter of Determination of Dependency |
LDD➣Licensed Direct Disposer (cremation services) |
LDD➣Light Division Direct Support |
LDD➣Logic Decision Diagram |
LDD➣Logistics Development Data |
LDD➣Logistics Decision Diagram |
LDD➣Lectura Diaria (Spanish) |