Lockwood, Belva

Lockwood, Belva (Ann Bennett)

(1830–1917) lawyer; born in Royalton, N.Y. She began teaching by age 15, and after meeting Susan B. Anthony, became more dedicated to fighting for women's rights. Moving to Washington, D.C. (1866), she applied for admission to a law school and was eventually awarded her degree (1873); her first petition to practice before the Supreme Court (1876) was denied, but in 1879, after getting Congress to pass a bill to support her, she became the first woman admitted to practice before the Supreme Court. She did practice law—in 1906 she won a $5 million award to the Cherokees—but she became best known for her activities on behalf of women's rights; in 1884 and 1888 she ran for president of the U.S.A. on the Equal Rights Party ticket. She lectured widely, worked for world peace, and served on the nominating committee for the Nobel Peace Prize.