myofunctional therapy

my·o·func·tion·al ther·a·py

therapy of malocclusion and other dental and speech disorders utilizing muscular exercises of the tongue and lips; most often intended to alter a tongue thrust swallowing pattern.

my·o·func·tion·al ther·a·py

(mī'ō-fŭngk'shŭn-ăl thār'ă-pē) speech pathology Any technique used to promote normal patterns of tongue movement and swallowing; primarily used to ameliorate tongue thrust.
See: tongue thrust
Synonym(s): tongue thrust therapy.

my·o·func·tion·al ther·a·py

(mī'ō-fŭngk'shŭn-ăl thār'ă-pē) Treatment of malocclusion and other dental and speech disorders using muscular exercises of tongue and lips; most often intended to alter a tongue thrust swallowing pattern.